Конспект урока английского языка на тему: Describing People
План урока по теме: «Описание внешности и характера людей».
Цели урока:
Повторение и активизация лексического материала по теме "Описание людей".
совершенствование навыков аудирования, монологической и диалогической речи.
Обучающие цели:
Повторение и закрепление в речи учащихся лексического минимума по данной теме. Ознакомление с новыми лексическими единицами.
Закрепление языковых навыков по теме, активизация навыков орфографии.
Тренировка навыков чтения с целью поиска заданной информации в тексте.
Практика учащихся в составление коротких сообщений по теме (монологическая речь)
Развитие навыков аудирования с целью поиска заданной информации в тексте.
Развивающие цели:
развивать воображение, фантазию, творческое мышление, умение высказывать свою точку зрения; развивать речевые способности, способность логически излагать, развивать умения сравнивать, анализировать, аргументировать свое высказывание;
Воспитательные цели: Воспитывать коммуникабельность, культуру общения на иностранном языке. Повысить интерес к истории, культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, презентация MS Power Point, Windows Media проигрыватель, карточки для учащихся,
аудиозаписи песен «Girl» (by The Beatles’), I’m an Englishman in New York’ (by Sting), магнитофон и аудиозапись текста.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. Объявление темы, цели и задачи урока.
2. Речевая зарядка
А) Ассоциативная лексика по теме «Appearance. Сharacter».
B) Учебная игра « Who am I»? (Угадай, кто я?)
3. Квиз - «What type of person are you?»( «Твой тип личности»).
4. Повторение. Проверка домашнего задания. Выполнение грамматических упражнений.
А) Найти соответствия между словами.
B) Найти лишнее слово.
С) Описать предложенные картинки.
D) Рассказать о себе.
5. Предъявление новой лексики. Работа с лингвотренажером Еn 101.
6.Закрепление лексического материала.
А) Заполнить таблицу антонимов.
B) Выбрать соответствующие прилагательные для определения черт характера.
7. Релаксация. Выполнение квиза «Are you a party animal or a home bird?» (“Ты домосед
или гуляка?”)
8. Выполнение практических заданий.
А) Работа с диалогом- прослушать и воспроизвести пропущенные слова, инсценировать
B) Работа с текстом «My Next Door Neighbour» (Моя соседка)- прочитать, озаглавить
каждый абзац, составить план и пересказать текст.
9. Релаксация. “An Ideal Face”. «Идеальная внешность».
10. Практические упражнения.
А) Объяснить значение высказываний о разных чертах характера человека.
B) Составить и инсценировать диалоги.
С) Решить кроссворд.
11. Подведение итогов урока.
А) Домашнее задание. Составить рассказ на тему «The Person I will never forget» («Человек, которого я не могу забыть»). Найти английские пословицы, цитаты, афоризмы о чертах характера и дать свое толкование.
B) «Синквейн».
С) Рефлексия. Что нового узнали на уроке?
D) Оценивание учащихся.
Тема: Theme: Describing People
Цель занятия: Aims: 1. Practice students to use the lexical material in the speech. 2. Teach students to find out the main information in the text. 3. Practice students in using the new and previous grammar material.
Основные понятия:Main ideas: Lexical minimum of the topic “People’s Appearance”.Grammar definitions. Traits of character. Descriptions.
Методическое обеспечение : Aids: Sets of cards, Interactive Presentation, additional literature, Speak English’ magazine, Grammar Reference, Active Studio Board, on-line En 101, etc.
Тип занятия:Lesson type: Practice. The lesson of revision of the grammar and lexical material.
Методы и приемы: The Methods and acceptance: Activisation of the vocabulary on the theme “People’s Appearance and Character” with using of different methods (group discussions; research reading; task oriented games; etc.). Conrol of students’ knowledge of new grammar material.Explication, illustration, reproduction, investigation. Communicative approach.
План занятия: The Procedure of the Lesson.
I. Организационный момент. Greetings. Preliminaries. Сhecking attendance.
The objectives, the plan of the lesson.
I. Good morning, our guests, students! Today at the lesson we shall talk about how to describe people’s appearance and character, we’ll discuss what is more import
· discuss it later.
Association word game. Vocabulary chain. (e.g. face round clear eyes .)
Game Guess, who am I?’ (Students write 4-5 statements about themselves giving no names. The rest should guess who is described).
Quiz “What type of person are you?”
III. Проверка знаний учащихся. Checking up homework.
Check the homework. Grammar practice.
Match the words in the A, B column.
Name the odd word in each column.
Describe people on the slides.
IV. Изучение нового материала. Study of the
· Работа по закреплению основных понятий темы. Work on consolidation of the main subject ideas. Pr
· /Ss read the questions from the board./
Now I want you to explain them. Choose any you liked best and explain how you understand it. And some will make up the dialogue about it.
/4 students – explain the quotations, 4 students – prepare a dialogue./
The rest - do the crossword on the board.
T: Now: act out your dialogue.
Give the explanations of the quotations.
VII. Conclusion.
Задание на дом. Giving the home task.
1) Find more proverbs and words of wisdom about different character traits and mannerism.
2) White a composition “A person I will never forget”.
T: Our lesson comes to the end. Let’s make a sinkwein poem on the topic of our lesson.
What new things have you learned today?
Giving the marks.
T: Our lesson is over. Thank you for your active work. Good- bye.
1. Match the words in list A with the words in list B to make up phrases of physical description
1. pale a. figure
2. deep-set b. complexion
3. thin c. height
4. plump d. lips
5. short e. nose
6. curly f. eyes
7. of medium g. shoulders
8. broad h. hair
2. Name the odd word in each column
Special features
turned up
3. Read the following descriptions of mannerisms and match them with the adjectives bellow.
shy, sensitive, loving, inattentive, naughty, aggressive, reserved
Whenever Roger got involved in an argument, he would shout and become quite violent. - ..
Sue is often seen with her children holding them close, stroking their hair and speaking softly to them. - .
When everybody else is busy studying, Sheila spends her time starring at the ceiling, yawning and playing with her hair. -
She blushes when she talks to people she does not know and her palms sweat. -
When little Tommy wants a new toy, he screams until his parents buy it for him. - .
Whenever he received bad news, John would remain quite still and expressionless. - .
When Sarah listens to sad music her eyes fill with tears. -
4. Fill in the table positive / negative character traits
patient, boring, pessimistic, mean, ambitious, generous, mature, interesting, hostile, immature, friendly, impatient, tactful, good-natured, short-tempered, thick-skinned, easy-going, hard-working, deceitful, fair, shy, helpful, aggressive, reserved, outgoing, cheerful.
Positive Qualities
Negative Qualities
Read the text. Underline the adjectives which describe physical appearance and circle the ones which describe personality.
“My Next–Door Neighbour
Mavis has been my neighbour for six years. I first met her when she knocked on my door and asked for a spade because she hadn`t yet unpacked hers. She had only moved in two days before.
Physically, Mavis looks younger than most other women in their late sixties. She is of average height, neither fat nor thin. Her plump round face is framed by a mass of wavy white hair and her sparkling eyes are always friendly. She wears casual, comfortable clothes. I don`t think I have ever seen her in a perfectly ironed suit.
As for her personality, Mavis`s most striking characteristic is her generosity. My house, as well as most of our neighbours`, nearly always has a vase of flowers from her garden in the living room. Mavis is very good-natured and always has time for a chat. She is also patient. She hardly ever gets annoyed about anything except when children pick her favourite roses and lilies. However, she tends to be quite stubborn once she has made a decision, nothing can change her mind.
Being hardworking by nature Mavis always seems to be busy doing something. She spends a lot of her time looking after her garden and often participates in local flower shows. When she is not in her garden she is usually off somewhere raising money for one charity or another.
All in all, Mavis is the perfect next-door neighbour. Since the day she moved in, we have grown very close and I am very fond of her, even if I am woken up by the noise of her lawnmower early in the morning!