Презентация по английскому языку на тему Великие люди и исторические события. Биография Шекспира.Ромео и Джульетта
William Shakespeare (biography)“Romeo and Juliet” (reading and retelling)
Romeo and Juliet Summary In Romeo and Juliet, two star-crossed lovers fall hopelessly in love in spite of their families' years-long feud. Desperate to be together, the two concoct an elaborate escape plan, but Romeo, mistakenly thinking Juliet dead, kills himself, prompting Juliet to do the same.Romeo and Juliet summary key points:• In Romeo and Juliet, the Capulet and Montague families are locked in a deadly feud. Romeo Montague sneaks into a Capulet party and falls in love with Juliet Capulet.• On Juliet’s balcony after the party Romeo and Juliet swear undying love and, with the aid of Friar Laurence, are married in secret the next day.• Romeo’s friend Mercutio takes Romeo’s place in a duel with Juliet’s cousin Tybalt and is killed. Romeo kills Tybalt and is banished from the city.• To avoid marrying Paris, Juliet obtains Friar Laurence’s help and takes a potion that makes her appear dead. Romeo never receives the friar’s message.• In the Capulet crypt, Romeo drinks poison. Juliet wakes to find Romeo dead and stabs herself with his dagger. The mourning families put their feud to rest as they bury their children.
Many years ago there are two families in Verona, Italy, Montague and Capulet. These families are always fighting. The Montagues have a son Romeo, the Capulets have a daughter Juliet. Once the Capulets have a party and Romeo goes there. He meets Juliet and they fall in love. Juliet’s cousin Tybalt sees Romeo and gets very angry. Romeo and Juliet talk and decide to get married. They know that their families will get angry, so they go to Friar Laurence and get married in secret. Next morning Tybalt sees Romeo, he is still angry with Romeo. Romeo doesn’t want to fight. His friend Mercutio says: ”If you don’t want to fight him, I will. “ Tybalt kills Mercutio. Romeo is so upset. He fights Tybalt and kills him too.
The Prince of Verona is very angry and he sends Romeo away. Juliet goes to Friar Laurence for help: “Here is a special drink. You will sleep 2 days. Your family will think you are dead, but you will wake up. Then you meet Romeo and you can be together. Friar Laurence writes to Romeo: “Don’t panic. Juliet is alive.” But Romeo doesn’t get the message. He learns that Juliet is dead. Romeo is very upset. He buys some poisons and goes to see Juliet. “Oh no, I will stay with you for ever.” And he drinks poison. Too late Juliet wakes up. She sees what happened. “Oh no, you didn't’ leave any poison for me. But here is your knife.” Romeo and Juliet are dead. Friar Laurence tells the Montagues and the Capulets what happened. They are so upset and they promise not to fight any more.
Незаконченное предложение:На сегодняшнем уроке я узнал, понял, разобрался…Я похвалил бы себя…Особенно мне понравилось…После урока мне захотелось…Мне удалось…Я сумел…Было интересно…Было трудно…Меня удивило…Теперь я могу…Я научился… и т.д.
Feast, became, stole, painted, was born, harvest, weaver, discovered, unhooked, inventor, passionLeonardo da Vinci_______________ the Mona Lisa.George Washington______________ the first President.Christopher Columbus______________ America.The Pilgrims had a big____________ with all food from their_____________ .Do you know that a thief once____________ the Mona Lisa from the museum.The thief___________ the Mona Lisa from the wall.Christopher Columbus_____________ im Genoa, Italy in 1451.Christopher Columbus worked with his father as a__________ but the sea was always his real____________ .
Raise Your Hands Above Your Head.Raise your hands above your head,Clap them one, two, three;Rest them now upon your hips,Slowly bend your knees.Up again and stand up tall,Put your right foot out;Shake your fingers, nod your head,And twist yourself about.
15642/ 2/ 314/ 151576159348521616Plays, poems (sonnets), comedies, tragediesTheatre, actors, parts/ roles, men/ boys, audience , special noises, to make plays more exciting