Презентация по английскому языку: New Zealand

The map of New Zealand New Zealand Political system of New Zealand The first people in New Zealand New Zealand Way of life Climate of New Zealand Animals in New Zealand Nature in New Zealand New Zealand's meals Shops in New Zealand Professions in New Zealand Sports in New Zealand New Zealanders on weekend Holidays in New Zealand Traveling There are many people who like exstrim Natural hazards in New Zealand National symbol - New Zealand is an island in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. The country is situated on two main islands – the North Island and the South Island – and several dozen smaller islands.The capital of New Zealand is WellingtonThe territory is 3287km The population are 9367 m. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. The British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, is the monarch of New Zealand. She appoints a governor general to represent her, but the governor general has little power. The legislation, prime minister, and Cabinet run the national government. Britain gave New Zealand a constitution in 1852, when it was a British colony. Today, the nation has no written constitution. monarch [monәk]- монархappoint [әpoint]- назначатьgovernor [gΛvәnә]- правительlegislation – законодательство Primary dictionary monarch- noun (plural monarchs) a king, queen, emperor, or empress ruling a country governor- noun ( plural governors) Someone who governs or runs a place The first people who settled in New Zealand were a brown-skinned people called Maoris. They came from Polynesian islands located northeast of New Zealand. The country was discovered by Europeans in 1642. Today, most New Zealanders are descendants of the early European settlers. Maoris make up about 12% of the country’s population. brown-skinned – мулат settle [setl] - населятьlocate [lәu keit] - местонахождениеdescendant [di sendәnt] - потомок Primary dictionary descendant – noun (plural descendants)A person who is descended from someonelocate – verb (locates, locating, located)To locate something is to discover where it is.To be located in a place is to be situated there New Zealand have a high standard of living. Most New Zealanders live in singlefamily houses with a small vegetable gardens. In the large cities, some people live in highrise apartment buildings. Although about fourfifths of New Zealand’s population live in urban areas, cities are uncrowded.Near a fifth of New Zealand’s people live in rural areas – in some of them, small settlements are linked by good roads. standard [stәndәd]- нормаurban [3:bәn]- городскойrural [ruәrәl]- сельскийlinked - соединять Primary dictionary rural – adjectivesTo do with the countryside, in the countryurban – adjectivesTo do with a town or city There are no extreme contrasts in temperature in New Zealand. The total national rainfall average is over 1100mm annually. A considerable area of land is covered by meadows and heaths. The grass remains green all the year round. Thanks to climate conditions, New Zealand in truth looks like one great well-ordered park with its old trees, green meadows and hedges. total [tәutl]- суммарныйrainfall- ливеньaverage- среднее числоannually [жnjuәli]- ежегодноconsiderable [kәnsidrәbl]- значительныйmeadow [medәw]- лугheath- вереск Primary dictionary rainfall – nounThe amount of rain that in a particularPlace or timemeadow – noun (plural meadows)A field of grass There are many animals in New Zealand. The most dangerous animal is the shark. However, there are normally a lot of beach patrols and protective nets to stop these from eating you for breakfast. There are a number of types of crocodiles, ranging from the potentially dangerous saltwater crocodiles to smaller, more shy, harmless varieties. They have got snakes too although fears of the poisonous types are largely exaggerated. shark – акулаpatrol [pә trәul] - дозор net [net] - сеть potentially - потенциальноsaltwater - морской snake [sneik] - змея fear [fiә] – страх poisonous [poizәnәs] - ядовитый Primary dictionary shark – noun (plural sharks)A large sea fish with sharp teethsnake – noun (plural snacks)A reptile with a long narrow body and no legsSnaky – adjectives, winding like a snakefear – noun (plural fears)A feeling that something unpleasant may happen,verb – (fears, fearing, feared)To fear someone or something is to be afraid of themTo fear something is also to be anxious or sad about it Nature in New Zealand is very beautiful. South Island is very beautiful with its mountains, called Alps, lakes, glaciers, fiords. Here you can see the Sunderland Falls, where water drops from the height of six hundred meters, making these falls one of the highest waterfalls in the world. There are many flowers in New Zealand such as tulips, roses, asters and many others. tulip - тюльпанlake [leik]- озероglacier [glжsjә]- ледникfiord - фьорд Primary dictionary tulip A large bright cup-shaped flower that grows on a tall stem from a bulb lake A large area of water completely surrounded by land Large cities have excellent restaurants, milk bars, where people eat different food. Such as roast beef, chicken, a lot of vegetables and fruits, dessert and drinks. New Zealanders eat a lot of meat, drink a lot of juices and more butter because New Zealand have a high standard of living. standard [stжndәd]- нормаroast beef [rәust bi:f]- жаркое There are many kinds of shops, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men’s and women’s clothing store, grocery, a bakery, a butchery.In a food supermarket people buy many different things at once: fish, sugar, flour, tea sausages. At the butcher’s there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the bakery they buy brown and white bread, rolls, biscuits. At dairy they buy milk, cheese, butter and many other products. dairy- молочнаяbakery- булочная supermarket- магазин самообслуживанияgrocery- магазин «Бакалея»butchery- мясной магазинpoultry- домашняя птица Primary dictionary dairyA place where milk, butter, cream and cheese are made or soldbakeryA place where bread is made or soldgroceryA grocer’s shop. Groceries goods sold by a grocer There are many professions in New Zealand. Such as doctor, fireman, teacher, policeman, interpreter, businessman, assistant, journalist. All of these professions are very important in our life. A good teacher teach us how to make difficult things understandable. It is very difficult to be a good doctor. It is very a hard profession. Doctor should know perfectly the subject, must be well-educated, well-informed. fireman- пожарныйInterpreter- переводчик Primary dictionary Fireman A man who is a member of a fire brigade New Zealanders are very fond of sport. The most popular sports in New Zealand are baseball, played from September to December, boarding. Baseball is a team game. It is played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players each, on a field with four bases. There are more activities which New Zealanders take part in such as swimming, tennis, aerobics. field [fi:ld]- полеbat [bжt]- битаbases [beisi:z]- основаниеactivities - деятельность Primary dictionary field 1. A piece of land with crops or grass growing on it, often surrounded by a hedge or fence 2. An area of interest or study bat A wooden implement used to hit the ball in a cricet, baseball, and other games Many people of New Zealand like weekend very much. It is time to rest. They spend rest time with their family, friends and relatives. If the weather is fine they usually do not stay indoors. Often they go to the park and play there. A lot of family go to the country where a fresh air and their children may play on a green grass with a dog. There are many holidays. Such as Christmas, Halloween, St.Valentine’s Day, Easter, Independence Day. Christmas is a religious holiday. By this day people decorate fir trees with toys, candies. February 14 is St.Valentine’s Day, it is a day for choosing sweetheart and exchanging love-tokens. Halloween is celebrated on October 31. Halloween's customs date back to a time when people believed in devils, witches. Another Halloween’s custom is to scrape out a pumpkin, cutting eyes, nose and mouth in its side and lighting a candle inside. fir tree- новогодняя ёлкаcandy- сладостиto choose a sweetheart- выбрать возлюбленного (-ую) to exchange love-tokens- обменяться символами любви to scrape out a pumpkin- выдолбить тыкву Primary dictionary fir An evergreen tree with leaves needles candy Candy is crystallized sugar A candy is a sweet Millions of people in New Zealand like travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities. Such as London, USA, Scotland, Wales, Australia, Britain and many others. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food. They spend time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. Most travellers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interest them. to look at shop windows- рассматривать витрины магазиновto discover different ways of life- открыть для себя разные стили жизни There are many people in New Zealand who like exstrim. They go to the mountains that they want find any adventures. But it is very dangerous for people who never go to the mountains. They boating through the stormy river. Talking about natural hazards, I should notice that earthquakes are common, though usually not sever and there is a volcanic activity in New Zealand. The earthquakes may hurt people a lot of problems such as to destroy houses of people, roads and many people are always afraid it. hazard [hжzәd]- опасность earthquake- землетрясение Primary dictionary HazardA risk or dangerEarthquakeA violent movement of part of the earth’s surface Thank you for your attention. The end!