Дидактический материал к занятиям кружка «Удивительное рядом»
Дидактический материал к занятиям кружка «Удивительное рядом»
Животные. (Animals)
Ключевая лексика: Домашние животные. (Domestic Animals)
A cat кот
A donkey осёл
A horse лошадь
A mule мул
A dog собака
A goat козёл
An ox бык
A sheep овца
A pig поросёнок
A calf телёнок
A rabbit кролик
A kitten котёнок
A cow корова A puppy щенок
To ride 1. Sam is riding on horse-back to the river.
To mew 2. A cat mews when it is angry & when it is pleased.
To bark 3. The dog barks but does not bite.
To milk 4. When we want to get milk from the cow we milk it.
A pigeon
A goose
A cock
A hen
A chicken (chick)
A turkey
A duck (duckling)
To lay eggs A hen lays eggs in the nest.
To feed What are you doing? I am feeding my pet.
To take care of We should take care of our pets.
The normal temperature of animals
Sheep - 39.1*
Cats - 40.8*
Dogs - 38.6*
Cows - 38.3*
Pigs - 39.2*
Horses – 37.8*
Number of years domestic animals can live
Rabbits - 5
Sheep - 12
Cats - 13
Dogs - 15
Goats - 15
Cows - 25
Pigs - 25
Horses – 30
Do you know…… that there was a horse who died when he was 62 years old?
… that dogs who live more than 18 years are very rare? But some dogs live more than 20 & even 34 years.
… that there was a cat who died when he was 33?
… that cats can’t see in the dark? We often say that cats can see in the dark, but we must know that nobody can see if it is quite dark.
… why donkeys can eat thorns? The lining of the mouth of some animals does not look like the inside of your mouth. The lining of your mouth is very soft, but the lining of the donkey’s mouth is very tough. So it can eat thorn.
… why a dog goes round & round before it lies down? This habit goes back to the days when dogs were wild & lived in the jungle grass. If they wanted a comfortable bed, they had to go round a few times to level the grass. Now the dogs sleep on a mat or on the floor, but still they go round before they lie down.
… that in 3700 B.C. the Egyptians knew 21 different kinds of dogs & used them in the hunt?
… that cats love their homes better than people? A cat often runs away when the people take it with them to a new home, finds its old home and lives there.
… that Maltese cats are the only animals which have hair growing on their tongue?
… that a horse eats grass and grows hair,
a sheep eats grass and grows wool,
a hen eats grass and grows feathers,
a rabbit eats grass and grows fur,
a tortoise eats grass and grows shell,
a frog eats grass and grows skin?
… that Ethiopian cows will not give milk if they do not see a calf standing beside them? As the farmers often kill calves for meat they make calves of paper or cardboard and show them to the cows when they milk them.
… that once there lived a sheep on a farm in America with grass growing on its back?
… that the turkey was first domesticated in South America? It happened many years before Columbus reached the New World. The English called the bird “turkey” because it came to England in ships which traded with Turkey. In Spain & France people called it an Indian bird because they thought (together with Columbus) that the home of the turkey was India, but not America. It is interesting to note that in Russian we call it «индюшка».
… that the white of the egg and almost all the yolk are not part of the chicken, but food for the developing chicken?
… that the Chinese had hens more than three thousand years ago?
… that you can tell what color eggs a hen will lay when you look at the lobes of her ears? If the lobes are brown, the eggs will be brown. If the lobes are white, the eggs will be white too.
Riddles about animals
1. How many legs has a sheep got if you call a tail a leg?
(Four, it doesn’t matter how you call it)
2. How many hares are there in a rabbit’s tail?
(There is hair which is called fur, but no hares, they are all in the forest)
3. How can a cat go into a cellar with 4 feet & come back with 8?
(When a cat catches a mouse)
4. When do elephants have 8 feet? (When there are two of them)
5. I live in the wood,
I have a red bushy tail
I am sly, - What am I? (A fox)
Poems about animals
1. My cat is fat, 2. One, two, three, four, five!
My cat is black. Once I caught a hare alive;
My cat likes rats – Six, seven, eight, nine, ten!
Both lean and fat. I let him go again.
3. Jack Sprat’s pig 4. A bear and bunny
Is not very little, Have plenty of money.
Is not very big, They go to the store
Is not very thin, For carrots and honey.
Is not very fat
“But it can grunt”,
Says little Jack Sprat.
5. My doggy is funny, 6. Where are you going, My doggy is small; My little kittens?
It likes to run, to hop, to roll We are going to town
About the carpet like a ball; To get us some mittens.
It never bites me, not at all. What? Mittens for kittens? Do kittens wear mittens?
7. Chook, chook, chook, chook, chook; Who ever saw little kittens
Good morning, Mrs. Hen! with mittens?
How many chickens have you got?
Madam, I’ve got ten. 8. Thirty white horses
Four of them are yellow, Upon the red hill,
And four of them are brown, Now they stamp,
And two of them are speckled red, Now they champ,
The nicest in the town! Now they stand still.
Proverbs & Sayings
1. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
(Цыплят по осени считают)
2. To kill two birds with one stone. (Убить два зайца одним выстрелом)
3. The early bird catches the worm. (Кто рано встаёт, того удача ждёт)
4. Every bird likes its own nest. (Всяк кулик своё болото хвалит)
5. To take the bull by the horns. (Взять быка за рога)
6. To lock the stable-door after the horse is stolen.
7. When pigs fly. (Когда рак свиснет)
8. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.
(Лучше яйцо сегодня, чем курица завтра)
9. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
(Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе)
10. To put a cart before the horse. (Делать шиворот-навыворот)
11. To kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
(Рубить сук, на котором сидишь)
12. A cat may look at a king. (Смотреть ни на кого не возбраняется)
13. It’s a good horse that never stumbles.
(Конь о четырёх ногах, да и то спотыкается)
14. When the cat is away the mice will play. (Без кота мышам раздолье)
15. All cats are gray in the night. (Ночью все кошки серы)
My house (Мой дом)
Ключевая лексика: Things we use & have at home
A sideboard
An arm-chair
A chair
A desk
A stool
A mirror
A wardrobe
A bookcase
A piano
A grand piano
A bed
A sofa
A bookshelf
A desk lamp
A dining table
A table
To wind up Bobby always winds up his alarm-clock in the evening.
To do up the room We are doing up our room Now to have it clean and cozy.
To dust Have you dusted the table?
To air the room Before I begin to do my morning exercises I air the room.
A table-cloth
A jug
A kettle
A salt-cellar
A pepper-box
A mustard-pot
A glass
A cup
A plate
A napkin
A knife
A fork
A spoon
A tea-spoon
A tea-pot
A tray
A dish
A saucer
To wipe Bobby is wiping dishes.
To pour Mother is pouring tea into the glass.
To make tea She is making tea in the tea-pot.
Salty (sweet, bitter) He doesn’t like soup because it is salty.
A bath
A towel
A bar of soap
A tooth-brush
A hairbrush
A comb
Take a shower
To take a bath
To wipe with a towel
To comb
To brush
To clean teeth
1. What has got four legs but isn’t an animal. (a chair, a table)
2. I am on the wall,
I am in your hand.
When you look at me
You can see your face. (a mirror, a looking-lass)3. I can tell the time. What am I? (a clock)
4. What is there in your house that you should look into?
(a mirror, a looking-lass)
5. I am red or pink or green
You use me when you wash
And I make you clean. (soap)
Proverbs & Sayings
1. To hit the nail on the head. (Попасть в точку.)
2. Too many cooks spoil the broth. (У семи нянек дитя без глазу.)
3. Every cook praises his own broth. (Всяк кулик своё болото хвалит.)
4. Time and tide wait for no man. (Время никого не ждёт.)5. No living man all things can. (Нельзя быть мастером на все руки)
6. Jack of all trades and master of none. (За всё браться - ничего не сделать)
7. To use a steam – hammer to crack nuts. (Стрелять из пушек по воробьям)
8. A word is enough for the wise. (Умный поймёт с полуслова)
9. A little pot is soon hot. (Дурака легко вывести из себя)
10. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
(Утро вечера мудренее)
11. If you want the thing well done, do it yourself.
(Свой глаз – алмаз)
12. As you make your bed, so must you lie on it. (Как постелешь, так и поспишь)
13. As you sow, you shall mow. (Что посеешь, то и пожнёшь)
1. Soap is green, 2. Smiling girls, rosy boys,
Or red or white, Come and buy my little toys.
Or brown or black as ink; Monkeys made of gingerbread,
But when you wash, And sugar horses painted red.
They all turn white,
That is so strange I think. 4. Wash, hands, wash!
Daddy’s gone to plough.
3. One, two, buckle my shoe. Splash, hands, splash,
Three, four, knock at the door. They’re all washed now.
Five, six, pick up sticks. Seven, eight, lay them straight. 5. If all the world was pepper,
Nine, ten, a good fat hen. And all the sea was ink,
If all the trees were bread & cheese,
What should we have to drink?
Food & Shopping
Ключевая лексика: Vegetables, Fruit & Berries
A pumpkin
A beet
A potato
A head of cabbage
A carrot
A tomato
A cucumber
An onion
A melon
A water-melon
Green peas
A pear
An apple
A plum
A lemon
An orange
A grapefruit
A garden strawberry
Red (black, white) Currants
A peach
Do you know…… that the Spaniards first brought the potato to Europe from South America in the sixteenth century?
… that three-fourth of the potato is water?
… that people planted onion in Egypt four thousand years ago?
… that 35% of the world’s output of sugar is beet sugar?
… when vegetables are ripe and ready for use after you sow them?
Beet is ready in 6-8 weeks; potatoes - in 10-17 weeks; tomatoes - in 13-15 weeks; cucumbers – in 8 – 10 weeks; onions – 16-20 weeks; cabbage – in 13-16 weeks; pumpkins – in 13-15 weeks; carrots – in 8-9 weeks; radishes – in 4-5 weeks; peas – in 9-8 weeks; melons – in 16-20 weeks; water-melons – in 18-22 weeks.
… that until about a century ago people thought that tomato, though beautiful, was a poisonous fruit? People grew it in flower gardens for decoration, and called it love apple. Then one day some brave person took a bite, and that was not harmful.
… that blueberries are perhaps the nicest of all berries? The bears like them most of all, and many years ago the Indians put blueberries in their porridge and bread which they cooked over the camp-fire.
1. I eat my peas with honey, 2. There are cabbages
I’ve done it all my life; Planted in rows,
It makes the peas taste funny, Each has a green head,
But it keeps them on my knife. But no fingers or toes,
No arms and no legs,
No eyes and no nose.
3. One, two, three, four,
Mary’s at the cottage door! 4. We like flowers that are bright,
Five, six, seven, eight, We like flowers that are white,
Eating cherries off the plate. We like flowers that are blue,
We like red and yellow flowers too.
5. I like flowers that are bright,
I like flowers that are white,
I like flowers that are blue,
I like red and yellow flowers too.
Ключевая лексика: Months & Weekdays. Flowers
“The Flower Meeting”
Spring: My dear flowers, who will come first to the gardens and fields?
Snowdrop: (has a pretty white dress on) I shall come first. I shall come when the
snow is on the ground. My name is Snowdrop. I am so nice.
Violet: (has a pretty violet dress on) And I shall come when there is no snow
on the ground, and the days are longer and warmer. My name is
Violet. Have a look at me. I am so beautiful.
Buttercup: (has a pretty yellow dress on) I want to come in summer. My name is
Buttercup. I am so nice and beautiful too.
Bluebell: (has a pretty blue dress on) I am blue like the sky. And my dress is
like a bell. My name is Bluebell. Do you like me?
Cornflower: (has a pretty blue dress on) Blue is my color too. But I grow in the
fields. My name is Cornflower. I am as pretty as the sky. Have a
look at me.
The three Roses: We come in June when the sun is very hot.
The Red Rose: I have a bright red dress on. I am Red Rose. Look at me.
The White Rose: I have a clean white dress on. I am White Rose.
The Yellow Rose: I have a sunny yellow dress on. I am Yellow Rose.
Sunflower: (in a yellow and green dress) And I am like the golden sun. My
name is Sunflower. I like all my flower-sisters. They are pretty
and nice.
Spring: Good- bye, my dear friends. Come to the gardens and fields in
spring and summer. Go and make the world beautiful.
(all the flowers dance and sing)
Можно заменить названия цветов месяцами года, днями недели…
Моя семья
Конспект урока
Урок разработан с целью обмена опытом и в помощь молодому специалисту. На основе классической структуры проведения учебного занятия введены составляющие метода проекта: предварительно поставлена проблема и выбрана тема, выдвинуты гипотезы решения поставленной проблемы ( ребятам было предложено опросить родителей о составе семьи, включая родственников со стороны папы и мамы), был начат поиск и сбор материала, помогающего составить под руководством учителя «семейное дерево» одного из учеников, как образец. Следующим этапом было выполнение домашнего задания (нарисовать «семейное дерево» по образцу). Творческий подход к выполнению этого задания приветствовался (постеры с фото-архивом семьи, художественное оформление, помощь родителей…). На основе анализа собранного материала ребята представляли свой проект в виде монолога, основой которого было «семейное дерево» каждого ученика.
Учитель побуждает учащихся к творческой деятельности, которую не всегда удаётся реализовать на всех этапах обучения иностранным языкам в процессе традиционного обучения. Если же преподавателю удаётся внедрять задания проблемно-поискового характера на основе компьютерных технологий ( архив семьи, презентация, публикация), это позволяет уроку быть современным, интересным ребятам и укрепляет взаимодействие учащихся друг с другом, когда происходит обмен информацией на основе творчества каждого. Применение этих технологий позволяет значительно расширить рамки учебного процесса, сделать урок более интересным, эффективным и своевременным с точки зрения актуальности на данный момент, когда все ребята имеют дома компьютеры и задача учителя состоит в том, чтобы направить интерес ребёнка в игровом поле деятельности на образовательный процесс.
Учителю стоит принять во внимание, что Интернет-проект предполагает не только наличие определённого тематического материала, но и применение конкретного навыка, а главное – владение компьютерной грамотностью ребёнка. Необходимо также учитывать значимость работы самому учащемуся, его интерес к этой проблеме.
Тип занятия: обобщающее повторение
Вид занятия: комбинированный урок
Целеполагание: триединые дидактические цели учебного занятия
1. Образовательные:
- совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения монологической и диалогической речи.
2. Воспитательные:
- учить проявлять интерес к стране изучаемого языка;
- повышать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;
- осуществлять эстетическое воспитание учащихся;
- воспитывать любовь к родному дому, семье, родным и близким;
- учить соблюдать правила культуры поведения;
3. Развивающие:
создавать благоприятный психологический климат на уроке;
- способствовать развитию креативной деятельности учащихся;
- развивать умение сравнивать, обобщать, абстрагироваться;
- развивать творческое воображение.
Технология организации и проведения занятия
1. Подготовительный этап.
2. Учебное занятие.
Алгоритм подготовки учащихся к работе на учебном занятии:
- сообщение учащимся основных видов деятельности на предстоящем занятии;
-предъявление требований к выполнению заданий;
- объяснение выполнения практической работы
Алгоритм проведения занятия:
-организационный момент;
- сообщение темы и цели урока;
- определение учебных задач, к решению которых необходимо прийти.
Последствия реализации целей занятия
- беседа;
- работа над проектом «Семейное дерево»;
- аудирование (как пример рассказа о семье);
- подведение итогов занятия.
Алгоритм выбора методов, средств и форм обучения.
Целевое назначения алгоритма – оптимизировать процесс обучения путём разумного сочетания методов, средств и форм, направленных на получение положительного результата за время занятия:- обязательный учёт характера учебного материала;
- понимание необходимости создавать на занятии положительно-эмоциональный настрой;
- оценка уровня интереса детей к выполнению творческой работы;
- учёт наличия средств обучения ( аудио- видеоаппаратуры, компьютер).
Основные принципы проведения занятия:
- доступность;
- связь с жизнью.
Описание компонентов учебного занятия
- повышение мотивации учащихся к изучению иностранного языка;
- обеспечение практической направленности обучения;
- вовлечение учащихся в активную жизненную деятельность (самостоятельное добывание знаний, умение применять их на практике).
Условия достижения результата.
- взаимосвязь иностранного языка с другими учебными предметами;
- соблюдение преемственности в обучении;
- опора на ранее полученные знания;
- организация творческого взаимодействия преподавателя и учащихся.
Последствия реализации цели. Добиваться:
- устойчивого интереса учащихся к изучению иностранного языка;
- активизации речевой и мыслительной деятельности и активности учащихся
План учебного занятия
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, dear friends. Glad to see you again. How are you? The day is so fine today! It’s warm & sunny. Can you tell me the date? (------- )Thanks a lot. Ann, will you come to the blackboard, please? Write the date on the blackboard. Thanks. Go back to your place & sit down, please.
2. Сообщение темы и цели занятия.
Dear children, today we are going to have an interesting lesson. Let’s speak about your families. Be attentive, don’t forget how to pronounce the topic words correctly. Let’s revise them first.
3. Фонетическая зарядка (стихи о семье)
Father, mother, This is a cousin, Good night, Mother,
Sister, brother, This is an aunt, Good night, Farther,
Hand in hand This is an uncle, Kiss your little son.
With one another. This is a son. Good night, Sister,
Good night, Brother,
Good night, everyone.
4. Активизация лексики урока.
а) заучивание слова ”together”
What do kids do with their family together?
Kids often play games together.
Kids watch TV together.
Kids go for a walk together.
Kids have fun together.
Kids have fun in the Zoo together.
б) What can we do together?
We can play together.
We can count together.
We can jump together.
We can have fun together.
We can speak English together.
We can go to the zoo together.
Children! Let’s sing a song about animals in the Zoo (звучит песенка для детей “We are going to the Zoo”)wwe're going to the zooe're goin
We’re going to the zoo to see a kangarooWe’re going to the zoo to see a kangaroo, and a lion tooWe’re going to the zoo
The monkeys sing and climbThey know it’s feeding timeThe polar bears and sealsEnjoy their fishy meals
We’re going to the zoo to see a kangarooWe’re going to the zoo to see a kangaroo, and a lion tooWe’re going to the zoo
(Song and animation by Cambridge English Online Ltd)
Thanks, kids.
4. Now, look at the blackboard, please. This is a Family tree. Can you describe the family?
Sample: This is Father. His name is Victor. He’s 40. He’s an engineer. He’s got a wife and a daughter. He’s got a sister too. Her name’s Mary. She’s got a daughter. This is Victor’s niece. I think she loves her uncle very much. I hope they sometimes play together.
What can you tell about Mom (other relations)?
Семейное дерево. Рассказ по схеме. На доске постер «Семья»
Father Victor, 40
engineer Mother Olga, 35
Farther’s Sister
(Ann’s aunt)
Mary, 38
Doctor Mother’s sister
(Ann’s aunt)
Mother’s brother
(Ann’s uncle)
Nick, 19
Mary’s daughter
Liz, 12 - pupil
Are you tired? Let’s do exercises. Stand up, please
Hands up,
Hands down,
Hands on hips,
Sit down.
Stand up,
Hands aside,
Bend left,
Bend right.
Now count:
One, two, three, - hop!
One, two, three, - stop!
Сlap your hands together.
Сlap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Nod, nod, nod your head,
Nod your head together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together.
5. Thanks, children. Well done. Let’s continue our work on the topic “My Family”. Now you have 3-4 minutes to draw your FAMILY – TREE. Welcome to your work, please. Then I’ll listen to your stories about your family.
Выступления ребят со своими проектами (контроль домашнего задания). Сначала опросить всех желающих выступить со своим проектом первыми. Лучшие работы выставить для обозрения или вывесить на доске.
Ф И З М И Н У Т К А (песня)
The More We Get Together
The More We Get together, together, together,
The More We Get together, the happier we are!
For your friends - are my friends, and my friends are your friends.
The More We Get together, the happier we are!
I have a face, I have a little hand,
I have a big hand.
My face is white,
My hands are black,
I have no feet,
But I can run.
What am I ?
Yes, you are right, it’s a clock.
6. Работа с часами
Have a look! What time is it now? __________
Right you are. It’s seven o’clock…
Повторение счёта от 1 до 12.
7. Аудирование диалога “What’s the time?” с последующей драматизацией.
8. Подведение итогов занятия.
Использованы следующие ресурсы:
1. Иностранные языки в школе, №3, научно-методический журнал, Москва, 2000 г.
2. А.Л. Димент, Тематические вечера на английском языке, М.: Просвещение, 1988 – 159стр.
3. Материалы сайта Learn English
песни “We are going to the Zoo”
“If you are happy and you know it”