Конспект открытого урока с использованием текстовых стратегий Питер Пен

Peter Pan and Wеndy
Цель урока: Развитие навыков самостоятельной речи с использованием различных приемов МК.
Ход урока
Стадия вызова: (на доске заголовок текста)
“Peter Pan and Wendy”
-Who is Peter Pan? (a flying boy)
-Do you know the story about Pe
·Выступление 1 ученика из группы)
-I see all the Neverlands are beautiful and special.
Смысловая стадия: (каждая группа получает тексты и конверты)
-Read the story about Peter Pan and Wendy. (3-4 minutes)
-How many boys were there in Wendy’s family?
-Who w
·(дети обсуждают свои ответы и приходят к общему мнению)
-Come back to your places and share with your answers in your groups. (5 minutes)
(Выступление 3 учеников)
Describe Peter Pan!
Describe Wendy!
Describe Nana!
Work in your groups. You must fill in the
· crossword to find out the terror for pirates.
1,6,7 – the names of the boys who lived in the island Neverland
2 – a magic woman who helped the children to fly
3,4 – the names of Wendy’s brother’s
5 – the nurse at Mr. Darling’s house
8 – the family- name of Wendy, John and Michael
9 – the boy who didn’t want to grow

Reflection: Of course it isn’t a real story but each of you has his or her own Neverland.
Find a proverb for the sentences!
And one day Wendy remembered about her real mother. She was missing her mother very much, so were her brothers.
“East or West home is best”
H/t: Write a composition about your own Neverland.
Thank you for your work.