Презентация The English language as an international means of communication для профильных классов с углубленным изучением английского языка
Методическая разработка урока английского языка для профильного класса с углубленным изучением английского языкаАвтор: Аристова Ольга АлексеевнаУчитель иностранного языкаМОУ СОШ №51г.Архангельск Form 10 Цели и задачи урока Тип урока: урок закрепления и совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков Цели и задачи урока: 1. Образовательные:1) активизировать тематическую лексику в диалогической и монологической речи в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся;2) развивать умение читать с целью извлечения конкретной информации Сопутствующая: развивать умение говорить на основе прочитанного2. Развивающие: 1) совершенствовать умение анализа и самоанализа; 2) развивать способности к обобщению; 3) развивать способности к репродуктивным и продуктивным речевым действиям. 3. Воспитательные: 1)формировать коммуникативную культуру личности, способность к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре и группе 3) воспитывать уважительное отношение к другим языкам и культуре. I.Организационный этапПостановка целей и задачей Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Read and guess the theme of our lesson. ………is a must for international contacts in the modern world. What word is missing? P: The English Language as an international means of communication. Let’s get down to work. Listen to me very carefully. T: In Shakespeare’s time it was a provincial language of secondary importance with only 6 million native speakers. Nowadays it is being spoken either as the first or the second language in at least 45 countries. It has become the new Latin, the lingua franca, of the century. At present no other language on earth is better suited to play the role of the world language. I think you have guessed the theme of our lesson. Any volunteers? They will be the discussion points of the topic
The English language is an international means of communication Factors in favour of English Practical applying of English
Protests against dominating English in the world
Language quiz II. Warming-up. Chain talk “Factors in favour of English’’T: Speak out and prove that the English language is an international means of communication.…the official language of the United Nations, UNESCO;…the language of command for NATO;…be considered as the first language of sport;…the first language of pop-music;…the official language of the European organizations;…the language of business, government, education;…broadcast the most international world’s radio and TV programs;…be used by politicians, diplomats, air traffic controllers … III. Practical applying of English T :The knowledge of English is essential for many professions. It’s a must for participating in many spheres of modern life. Many international firms put promotion bans on staff without the needed degree of proficiency in English. Now work in pairs and act out the dialogues.Dialogue 1: Selecting the best candidate for working in the international companyMs. Smith a representative of the organization is interviewing a Russian specialist:I’ve looked through your resume. Have you got any job experience?I have been a sales manager these two years.Why have you applied for the job in our company?Your company is a well known and reputable firm.What do you like most in your future job?I get along with people. I’m used to dealing with people from all layers of life. It’s vital for this job. Your English is fluent. Can you look into the future? Where do you see yourself in a few years? I see myself running the whole business. Dialogue 2: Listen to a presentation to a company’s sales team about launching their new chocolate bar.Mr.Carter, a businessman is making a presentation:Good morning, everyone! Thanks for coming to my presentation. I’m going to talk about the new chocolate bar we’re pulling on the market.What ingredients do you use? We use only natural ingredients. It’s thoroughly tested.Do you pay special attention to packaging?It’s wrapped in a metallic foil. The colors are rich and strong to give high visual impact. Does it taste good?It’s a mint and nut bar with a distinctive taste. What about the pricing?The sales show that the pricing of the product was correct. Dialogue 3: At an industrial exhibition. Boris Antonov, an engineer from a Moscow factory is taking part in an industrial exhibition. He is talking to Mr. Benett, a businessman from Canada.Bennet: Have you seen our new model, Boris? Antonov: Yes, and I must say it’s a very up-to-date design. My congratulations! Bennet: Thanks. I’m happy to hear that.Antonov: We’re interested in buying some of these machines for our factories.Bennet: How many of them would you like to buy?Antonov: I think it may be quite a big order. Would you like to visit the factory?Bennet: I’d love to if you could arrange it soon. Dialogue 4: At the international film festival. Alexandra Nikitina, a young film director has just taken part in a film festival abroad. Her film has won a prize. She is going to give an interview on television.I’d like to congratulate you on your recent success, Ms. Nikitina.Thank you very much. Have you got any definite plans for the future?I’m going to make a television serial. It’s going to be a screen version of a novel. The novel is a great success with the reading public just now.Are you going to work with the same team?Yes, we are all interested in making another film together.I wish you every success with you new film. Let’s do some exercises for eyesLook left, look right,Look up, look down,Look around.Look at your nose,Look at that rose,Close your eyes,Open your eyes,Wink and smile,Your eyes are happy again! .V. Get into fours. Read the text “French fury over English” IV. Read a media text “French fury over the English language”
French pressure groups have demanded to put an end to the dominance of the English language in business in France. "We can no longer tolerate this," said Albert Salon. "We are not against influences of one language by another, or the occasional borrowing of words, but now there is a wholesale substitution of the French language for English. He said in many companies it had become standard practice for native French speakers to use English even among themselves and French scientists were forced to publish their research, in English, in leading US journals. "We have nothing against the Brits or the Americans," Mr Salon said. "But we simply cannot accept that our language is reduced to a local dialect - we are protesting against this linguistic hegemony!". A recent survey showed that seven percent of French firms used English as their main language and multinational companies often sent e-mails in English to their French employees. "President Jacques Chirac is one of the most ardent supporters of those who wish to protect the French language -he once walked out of a meeting in Brussels when a Frenchman began his speech in English.
Pre-reading activities: Study the vocabulary:
pressure groups
a wholesale substitution
reduce to a local dialect
linguistic hegemony
ardent supporters
occasional borrowing While reading activities: 1) Answer the following questions related to the text.What did French pressure groups demand? Why?Find the facts in the text proving that French is reduced to a local dialect.How did President Jacques Chirac express his protest against English?2) Find English equivalents to the following Russian sentences:Французские инициативные группы потребовали положить конец господству английского языка в бизнесе во Франции.Использование французского языка уменьшается до местного диалекта.Происходит массовая замена французского языка английским.Президент Жак Ширак, желая защитить французский язык, однажды ушел с совещания в Брюсселе, когда француз начал свою речь на английском языке. After reading activities: Single out the sentences which convey the main ideas.
Render the plot of the text in several sentences.
Express your opinion on the problem. V. Let’s do language quizCompete in teams To what language family does English belong to?
What branch of the Indo-European family includes English?
How many words are there in English?
Where did most English words come from?
Which letter of the English language most often occurs in the words?
Which letter of the English language very seldom occurs in the words?
Can you ay the shortest complete sentence in English containing all the 26 letters of the alphabet?
What English dictionaries can you name? Key: to the Indo-European familyWest Germanic groupabout 500000 wordsfrom Latin and FrenchEe then comes AaQq“Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs”Oxford Dictionary, Macmillan Dictionary, Longman Dictionary, Webster Dictionary VI. Reflexion Write a sinquan about English. It consists of five lines. Follow the rules.1 строка-название темы (одно существительное); 2 строка-описание темы (два прилагательных); 3 строка-описание действия в рамках этой темы (три глагола); 4 строка-фраза из четырёх слов, показывающих отношение к теме; 5 строка-синоним, который обобщает и ли расширяет смысл темы (одно слово). Teacher: At the conclusion I’d like to say your English was rather good. But don’t stop studying the language now.Continue improving your English skills each and every day.