Презентация по английскому языку на тему Множественное число существительных

of nouns To make plural form of nouns add dog cat boy girl two dog cat four boy girl a a a a a a a a s to most nouns s s s s duck ducks a baloon baloon s Add es to nouns ending in o, x, s, sh, ch. potato a a a a a fox dress toothbrush watch three potato es fox es three dress es toothbrush es six watch es If nouns end in a consonant Y, change y and add es i a baby the lady two babi the ladi es es a dictionary dictionari es a butterfly four butterflies Be careful! Learn these plurals. the child the child ren mouse mice Some words in English have got only plural forms jeans tights trousers scissors sheep sheep a man men Make the words in plural. a tree a horse a bus a match a tomato a dish a beach a cit y a story a woman a tooth a body a party an egg an address a foot a wife a wolf a knife a cherry a potato trees horses buses matches tomatoes dishes beaches cities stories women teeth bodies parties eggs addresses feet wives wolves knives cherries potatoes Check-up your answers