Презентация по английскому языку на тему Знаменитые люди

Famous People What is the official name of the country, which we call Great Britain? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)What is the name of the flag of the UK? (Jack Union)Who is the queen of the UK? (Elizabeth II)What is the official Queen’s home in London? (Buckingham Palace)What is the capital of the UK? (London)On what river is London situated? (The Thames) музыкантполитикпоэтхудожникученыйписательучительархитектор Painter Scientist Writer Architect Teacher Musician Poet politician Charles Margaret John R.R. Joseph William Daniel Agatha Charlie Chaplin Christie Shakespeare Defoe Darwin Thatcher Tolkien Turner Margaret Thatcher Charles Darwin Horatio Nelson Queen Elisabeth II 1. “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” 2. Books about Harry Potter. 3. “Jungle Book” 4. “Robinson  Crusoe”  5. “Yesterday” “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”  (Lewis Carroll)Books about Harry Potter. (J. Rowling)“Jungle Book” (R. Kipling)“Robinson  Crusoe”  (D. Defoe)“Yesterday” (J. Lennon) “outstanding” What has a face but no head, and hands but no fingers? What can fly but has no wings? TIME The little old woman who has 12 children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot. What is it? A year Hometask is to write a composition: “My favourite famous person!” Good bye, children!!!