Презентация на тему :Специальные вопросы в косвенной речи. Фразовые глаголы с put

Conflict between parents and children Conflict between classmates In my opinion…I think…To my mind… We asks, “What is the problem?” We asks what the problem is I asks him,"What will happen?” I asks him what will happen. He asked, "Where are you?” He asked where he was. She asked," What can you do?” She wondered what I could do. Present Past Mother:“What is the problem?” The mother asks what the problem is. The mother asked what the problem was. Father:“How can we solve the problem?” Father wonders how they can solve the problem. Father wondered how they could solve the problem. Chris:“What will happen?” Chris wants to know what will happen. Chris wanted to know what would happen. Tom:“What is the best idea” Tom asks what the best idea is. Tom asked what the best idea was. Ex.66, p. 123 put down put closing on your body; switch on a light, electrical equipment put off write on a piece of paper; place on a table, a shelf, etc. put on accept an unpleasant situation put up with do something later записать, положить отложить надеть на себя; включит свет, электроприбор смириться с чем-либо Ex.68, p.123 down up on on down off