Презентация по английскому языку на тему Мой край (Ростовская обл., 7 класс)
Электронное приложениек уроку английского языкав 7 классе по теме:«Мой родной край»Автор: Андрияшина З.Х.Неклиновский районМБОУ Вареновская СОШ
Цели и задачи:развитие и совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции школьников;расширение содержательной основы обучения ИЯ (ин.яз.) за счет овладения учащимися определенным объемом региональных знаний;социокультурное развитие школьников средствами ИЯ и ИКТ.
My Native Land Rostov region is situated in the southern part of the Russian Plain The total area – 100,8 thousand sq. km The population – 4404,013 thousand people Rostov Region was formed in 1937.
Rostov-on-DonRostov region consists of 42 rural districts.TaganrogNovocherkasskShahtiVolgodonskBelaya KalitvaAzovThe largest towns are:Now the administrative center is Rostov-on-Don.The first capital was stanitsa Starocherkasskaya.
The flag of rostov regionThe coat of arms of rostov regionThe flag consists of 3 horizontal stripes: blue, yellow and red. Each color symbolizesthe unity of three peoples: blue – Cossacks, yellow – Kalmycs (who werethe part of the Don Army), red – Russians.The Flag was designed by ataman Krasnovin 1918.In 1996 the white vertical stripe was addedto symbolize the unity with Russia.The coat of arms represents the heraldicblue and silver shield on the background of thecoat of arms of Russia. There is a fortress wallwith 3 towers in the middle and a gold earwhich covers a blue wave at the bottom ofthe shield.The coat of arms was designed by A. Kurmanovsky on the basis of the Don Army’scoat of arms. It was adopted in 1811.
The History of the Name The 5th century B.C. – Amazonia. The 3d century B.C. – Tanais (ancient Greeks and Romanscalled it “The Wild Field” or “The Great Meadow”) The XVI-XVII centuries – The Land of the Don Cossacks (the word“Don” may be of the Ossetic origin and means “water” or ”river”). 1920-1924 – Donskaya oblast, later the part of North Caucasianregion and then the part of Azov-Black Sea Territory. 1937 – Rostov region
Neklinovsky DistrictIt is situated in the south-east of Rostov Region.The Coat of Arms and the Flag represent a shieldat the bottom of which there is a blue wave with asturgeon in it. There is a sunflower in the middle ofthe red field and a white cloth cover at the top of it. There are 18 village settlements in the district.The administrative center – PokrovskoyeThe population – 82,7 thousand peopleThe area – 2,1 thousand sq. km
The place where we live Varenovka is situated not far from Taganrog.Вареновка The population – about 5.000 people. The area – about 3 sq. km
Литератураhttp://wikipedia.org“My Native Land, I love You!” Rumyantseva I.V., Zavarskaya T.N., Bliznuk G.U.“Reader’s Manual” (9-10 кл.) Кожан Г.В. Изд. «Анион», 1996г.Фотоальбом «Донская Земля».http://www.donland.ruhttp://geraldika.ruhttp://varenovka-school.narod.ru