Конспект урока на тему: «Формирование навыков работы с графическим текстом, навыков и умений поискового чтения»

Конспект урока на тему: «Формирование навыков работы с графическим текстом, навыков и умений поискового чтения»
Смирнова Татьяна Алексеевна
ГОБУ «Физтех-лицей» им. П.Л. КапицыКласс: 6 «б»
19.09.2016 г.Практическая цель урока: формирование навыков работы с графическим текстом, навыков и умений поискового чтения.
Образовательно-воспитательная: воспитание чувства успешности, коллективной ответственности, воспитание чувства уверенности в себе.
Развивающая: развитие логического мышления, памяти, догадки, речевого слуха.
Сопутствующие задачи: развитие и совершенствование навыков монологической речи, совершенствование грамматических навыков использования степеней сравнения прилагательных.
Тип урока: чисто речевой урок
Этапы t Деятельность учителя Деятельность учеников
Приветствие. Орг. момент Good morning, children! Sit down, please.
What is the date today?
What day is it today?
Who is absent today?
Good morning!
The 26th of February.
Today is Wednesday.
______is absent.
Активизация ранее изученного, проверка д.з., мотивация, введение в тематику Ok. First of all let’s check up your home task.
Ex. 2. p. 49 (c переводом)
What do you have to do at home?
What do you have to do at school?
Now open your exercise in the copy book.
Your task was to translate from Russian into English.
Imagine I have a Birthday tomorrow. But you can’t come to me. You have something to do.
Ok. Open your T.B. p. 81. Look at these buildings. Do you know what is so special about these buildings?
Look at ex.1. Match the buildings to the countries.
Do you know the highest buildings in Russia?
Отвечают домашнее задание
to wash the window.                               to fix her car.
to go to the dentist.         
to bake apple pies.
to clean his apartment.                           to do her laundry
They are all very tall buildings.
USA – 1
Malaysia – 2
France – 3
Moscow State Building
Moscow – city
Ostankino tower
Снятие трудностей 1. The Empire State Building
2. to complete – to finish
3. to choose – to decide,решаться
4. a top (a top of the mountain)
5. to climb - to raise, to get on, подниматься
6. an amazing view
7. the Observatory
8. to be decorated with smth. - to make something look more attractive by putting something pretty on it
9. depending on the occasion – в зависимости от повода, обстоятельств.
Повторяют слова хором, стараются понять без перевода на родной язык
Текстовой этап As you understand our text is about Empire State Building the tallest building in New York.
Now read the text attentively to answer my questions later. I’ll give you 5 minutes.
Читают текст
Послетекстовой этап 1) Now please answer my questions:
Where is the ESB situated?
How many floors does it have?
How many lifts does it have?
How many steps need you to climb to the top?
What is situated on the 86th floor?
What colours the ESB can be?
2) Now I’ll tell you the statements. If the statement is true raise your hand. If it’s false don’t raise your hand and correct me.
The ESB is the smallest building.
The ESB is in Los Angeles.
It is 443 metres high.
It was built in 1950.
The ESB is the largest office spaces and it has many shops and restaurants inside.
Most visitors go to the restaurant at the 86th floor.
The top floors are decorated with beautiful lights.
The ESB is one of the city most historic buildings.
Nice of you!
3) Ex. 2 p.81
4) Now listen to me carefully to choose the correct answer.
The Empire State Buildingis the tallest building in the world.
is the tallest building in New York.
It took….. to complete.
410 days
420 days
At the Empire State Building most visitors go straight to the
The building can be white, green, blue, purple, red and orange
depending on the day of the week.
depending on the occasion.
Now I’ll hand out some copies to you.
We’ll fill in it together with you.
Close your books and try to remember some things about the ESB. It’ll help you to retell the text. in New York
103 floors
73 lifts
1860 steps
the Observatory
white, green, blue, purple..
- the tallest
- in New York
- T
- 1930
- T
- to the Observatory
- T
DS, R, W,W
Выполняют упражнение
Вместе заполняем схему
Выход в речь Now work in pairs. Look at your spiders. One by one try to retell the text.
Start please.
Nice of you! В парах пересказывают текст
H/t Ex.5 p. 81 T.B. написать краткий рассказ про любое высокое здание мира в тетради по плану Записывают д.з.