Внеклассная работа What the traffic lights say 6 класс
Учитель: Агайдарова Лариса Айбердиевна
Theme: “What the traffic lights say”
Form: 6
Duration: 30 – 35 min.
Aims: - to develop creative abilities;
to teach pupils to be careful and attentive in the streets;
to teach pupils to take part in different project
·Аnd it’s, of couse, great! Today we are going to present to our guests a flash-mob show “What the traffic lights say”. I hope it will be interesting and exciting. So let’s begin!
Pupil 1: Stop, look and listen
Before you cross the street
·n the street
Берегите руки, ноги,
Не играйте на дороге!
Pupil 5: When you cross a through fare
Be attentive, walk with care.
Look my friends, with all your might
To your left, then to your right
Смотри, через длину шествия браво,
Сначала -налево, потом- направо
Pupil 6: If you walk or if you ride
By the traffic rules abide
Driver, walker, learn by rote
Traffic signs and the highway code.
Правила эти -для всех на свете;
Для тех, кто едет, и тех, кто идет.
Знайте и помните правила эти,
Каждый водитель и пешеход.
Pupil 7: When a light of green you see
·s open to you and me
When the traffic light is red –
Stop! You mustn’t go ahead!
Pupil 8: На зеленый огонек
Путь свободен и широк
А зажжется красный свет –
Стоп! Дороги больше нет!
Pupil 9: Clinging onto a moving car
Two reckless lads had traveled far.
“How brave I’m! ” one boy began
This is not bravery, my man,
It is the feat of hooligan!
Двое лепятся к машине,
Дескать, мы герои – во!
Тут геройство нет, в помине,
Это просто озорство!
“A song”
“The more we think of safety” (on words “the more we are together”)
Quiz game
Questions and answers about some signs and Traffic rules.
Q. Where must pedestrians walk in the street?
Pedestrians must walk on the pavement
Q. What the side of the pavement must pedestrians walk on?
On the right side of the pavement
Q. Where must pedestrians cross the street where traffic is not controlled?
They must look to the left, then to the right/
Q. What traffic lights do you know?
Three traffic lights:
Red – stop!
Amber – Be ready!
Green – Cross! Go!
Q. Who is allowed to ride a bicycle in the street?
No person under 14!
Conclusion: I hope you enjoy watching our flash-mob. Be careful on the road!