Короткие тексты для чтения (дифтонги th, ph, wh) по английскому языку (2 класс)
2190750-17145000This is my dog
And that is my cat.
My dog is thin
0254000And my cat is fat.
The cat that is fat is wearing a hat.
The dog that is thin has dot skin.
Vocabulary – Словарь
this is – это
that is – то
thin – худой
fat – толстый
is wearing a hat – одет в шляпу
has got dot skin- имеет кожу в пятнышко
Ralph takes a photo of a big white whale
28543253492500With big, white teeth
And a thick, white tail.
Ralph takes a photo of a small white whaleWith small, white teeth
And a thin, white tail.Ralph takes photo of two white whales.
Vocabulary – Словарь
takes a photo – фотографирует
whale – кит
with – с
teeth – зубы
thick – толстый
thin – тонкий