Презентация по английскому языку на тему Weekends
Weekends (Spotlight 5) Выполнила: учитель английского языка Курсеитова А.Э.
ng = [ŋ] sing, finger, sitting, eating, working, playingPRONUNCIATION
What are we going to speak about?SaturdaySunday
Game “Hangflower”
Weekend Make a phone callPlay with a friendPlant flowersDrink coffeeWrite an emailWash the dogWork in the garden
Развитие грамматических навыков по теме «to be going to do smth…».Translate into English, please:Я собираюсь посетить Великобританию.Мои друзья собираются организовать вечеринку завтра.Мы собираемся попить кофе.Вы собираетесь пойти в театр?Он собирается поработать в саду.Моя мама собирается посадить цветы.Твоя сестра собирается идти за покупками?
Физкультминутка.Now it`s time to take a break. Stand up, please!Hands up! Hands down!Hands to the sides!Hands on hips!Bend left! Bend right!Hands up! Hands down!And sit down!
Answer the following questions:What’s the weather like in your place in summer/ winter?What’s the best time to visit your place and why?What are the most interesting places and historical sites of your place?Photos or pictures of your place.What can you do in different seasons there?
Did you like our lesson?What did you learn?What was easy for you?What was difficult for you?
Your HW:Ex. 5 on p. 80 in your SB, ex.1 on p. 49 in your WB
Thank you for lesson!Good-bye!