Презентация по английскому языку на тему Дни недели, месяцы, даты (4 класс)

DAYS of the WEEK There are 7 days in a week. The first day of the week is Sunday. The last day of the week is Saturday. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday is the second day. Tuesday is the third day. Wednesday is the fourth day. Thursday is the fifth day. Friday is the sixth day. Saturday is the seventh day. There are 365 (three hundred and sixty-five) days in a year. There are 366 days in the leap-year. THE MONTHS January February March April May June July August September October November December January is the first month. December is the last month. What month is May? May is the fifth month. What month is November? November is the eleventh month. DATES What date is it today? Today is Tuesday, the second of December. Yesterday was Wednesday, the first of December. Tomorrow is Friday, the third of December. Let’s practice! Read the following dates. 15 August, 18 December, 6 October, 27 March, 14 April, 23 November, 25 June, 26 May, 4 July, 8 January, 24 February, 16 September, 25 December Name the days of the week. Понедельник SundayВторник MondayСреда TuesdayЧетверг FridayПятница SaturdayСуббота ThursdayВоскресенье Wednesday Name the months of the year. Январь DecemberФевраль MayМарт JuneАпрель AugustМай JanuaryИюнь SeptemberИюль OctoberАвгуст AprilСентябрь FebruaryОктябрь NovemberНоябрь MarchДекабрь July Read the dialogue and make up your own dialogue. What day is it today? Today is Monday. What day was it yesterday? Yesterday was Sunday. What day is it tomorrow? Tomorrow is Tuesday. What date is it today? Today is the eighth of October. What date was it yesterday? Yesterday was the seventh of October. What date is it tomorrow? Tomorrow is the ninth of October. Correct the sentences. 1) April is the second month of the year. 2) August is the fourth month of the year. 3) September is the twelfth month of the year. 4) February is the first month of the year. 5) December is the third month of the year. 6) July is the eighth month of the year. 7) November is the tenth month of the year. Correct the sentences. There are 367 days in a year. There are 364 days in the leap-year. There are 8 days in a week. The first day of the week is Wednesday. The last day of the week is Friday. There are 30 days in February. There are 30 days in December. There are 28 days in July. Well done! The lesson is over! Good-bye!