Lesson plan The History of Transportation
The History of transportation
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
The history of transportation is connected to industrialization, urbanization, and the separation of residence from workplace. By the beginning of the 20th century, London, New York, Boston, Paris, Budapest, and other major cities had fixed-rail subway systems. By the 1920s buses were common there. In the United States, the quantity of passengers grew steadily from 1900 (six billion passengers per year) to 1927 (over 17 billion), but it fell during the Great Depression. Then it grew again during War II, peaking in 1946 at 23 billion riders, but then dropped steadily every year until the early 1970s due to the revival of public transport.
The total number of riders in 1970 was less than that of 1910. The reasons for these declines are complex and often political. Los Angeles, for example, had over 1,000 miles of trolley and interurban lines before 1930. This system was taken over by a private company and replaced with noisy, polluting, and comparatively slow buses. But few people chose to use them. That’s why costs rose and the number of passengers was falling. To reduce costs, private companies removed distant branches and smaller stations. These changes, along with cheap gasoline, suburban and highway development, bad condition of older subway lines, and the greater amount of cars offered, helped turn the United States into a car culture.
The people have grown increasingly concerned over the impact of cars on the environment and the quality of life in urban areas. But at this time more efficient and comfortable mass transit systems are developing. Models for such systems were developed in Europe and Japan. Trains in the Paris Metro, for example, operate on rubber tires and can reach speeds of 77 km. In Canada engineers built more lightweight trains that can reach speeds of 72 km.
In the United States by 1990 over 90% of North American mass transit was publicly owned and managed. Washington, D.C.'s Metro system (144 million riders in 1988) included a wider area of service and more efficient schedules. Currently buses account for 60% of mass transit rides in the United States. Innovations such as articulated buses and reserved lanes on highways are balanced by the problems of noise, air pollution, and traffic. Now mass transit is a central social and political issue.
2. Прочитайте предложения и подумайте верны они или ложны. True or False?
The history of transportation is connected to industrialization, urbanization, and the separation of residence from workplace.
In the United States, the quantity of passengers fell from 1900 to 1927.
The system of public transport was not replaced with noisy, polluting, and comparatively slow buses.
4) Now mass transit is a central social and political issue.
3. Поставьте слова в предложении в правильном порядке
4. Выберите правильное определение для каждого данного слова и переведите их на русский язык.
radar, lane, monitor, collision, transport, navigation, traffic, destination, journey.
1) a system or method for carrying passengers or goods from one place to another.
2) a place that someone or something is going to.
3) one of the two or three parallel areas on a road which are divided by painted lines to keep traffic apart.
4) a time spent traveling from one place to another, especially over a long distance.
5) a piece of equipment that uses radio waves to find the position on things and watch their movement.
6) an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions
7) the science or job of planning which way you need to go when you are traveling from one place to another.
8) a television or part of a computer with a screen, on which you can see pictures or information.
9) (movement) of people and vehicles along roads and streets, of aircraft in the sky.
INSERT «What do we know ?» I know - I don’t know +- It is new for me -?- It surprised
The theme of the lesson: My profession. The History of Transportation.
Educational: Students will be able to use new vocabulary and phrases talking about transport, service and equipmenst.
Developing: To develop speaking and listening skills in oral speech and reading the text. To practice working in groups.
Bringing up: To respect national traditions and customs.
The type of the lesson: group work
Inter subject connection: Russian, Kazakh.
The visual and teaching aids: a basic textbook, cards, worksheets.
Organization moment: Greeting.
The History of transportation
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
The history of transportation is connected to industrialization, urbanization, and the separation of residence from workplace. By the beginning of the 20th century, London, New York, Boston, Paris, Budapest, and other major cities had fixed-rail subway systems. By the 1920s buses were common there. In the United States, the quantity of passengers grew steadily from 1900 (six billion passengers per year) to 1927 (over 17 billion), but it fell during the Great Depression. Then it grew again during War II, peaking in 1946 at 23 billion riders, but then dropped steadily every year until the early 1970s due to the revival of public transport.
The total number of riders in 1970 was less than that of 1910. The reasons for these declines are complex and often political. Los Angeles, for example, had over 1,000 miles of trolley and interurban lines before 1930. This system was taken over by a private company and replaced with noisy, polluting, and comparatively slow buses. But few people chose to use them. That’s why costs rose and the number of passengers was falling. To reduce costs, private companies removed distant branches and smaller stations. These changes, along with cheap gasoline, suburban and highway development, bad condition of older subway lines, and the greater amount of cars offered, helped turn the United States into a car culture.
The people have grown increasingly concerned over the impact of cars on the environment and the quality of life in urban areas. But at this time more efficient and comfortable mass transit systems are developing. Models for such systems were developed in Europe and Japan. Trains in the Paris Metro, for example, operate on rubber tires and can reach speeds of 77 km. In Canada engineers built more lightweight trains that can reach speeds of 72 km.
In the United States by 1990 over 90% of North American mass transit was publicly owned and managed. Washington, D.C.'s Metro system (144 million riders in 1988) included a wider area of service and more efficient schedules. Currently buses account for 60% of mass transit rides in the United States. Innovations such as articulated buses and reserved lanes on highways are balanced by the problems of noise, air pollution, and traffic. Now mass transit is a central social and political issue.
История транспорта связан с индустриализации, урбанизации и разделения проживания от рабочего места. К началу 20-го века, Лондон, Нью-Йорк, Бостон, Париж, Будапешт, и других крупных городах были фиксированной железнодорожных систем метро. К 1920-х годов автобусы были там обычным делом. В Соединенных Штатах, количество пассажиров неуклонно росло с 1900 года (шесть миллиардов пассажиров в год) до 1927 (более 17 миллиардов), но он упал во время Великой депрессии. Потом он снова вырос во время войны II, достигнув своего пика в 1946 году на 23 млрд всадников, но потом каждый год не упал устойчиво до начала 1970-х годов из-за возрождения общественного транспорта.
Общее число гонщиков в 1970 году было меньше, чем в 1910 году Причины такого снижения являются сложными и часто политический характер. Лос-Анджелес, например, было более 1000 миль тележки и междугородных линий, прежде чем 1930. Эта система была передана частной компании и заменены шумные, экологически чистые, и сравнительно медленных автобусов. Но мало кто решил использовать их. Вот почему расходы выросли, а количество пассажиров было падение. Для снижения затрат, частные компании удалены удаленных филиалов и небольших станций. Эти изменения, наряду с дешевым бензином, пригородном и шоссе развития, плохое состояние старых линий метро, и большее количество автомобилей, предлагаемых, помогли превратить Соединенные Штаты в автомобильную культуру.
Люди становятся все более обеспокоены воздействием автомобилей на окружающую среду и качество жизни в городских районах. Но в это время более эффективные и удобные системы общественного транспорта развиваются. Модели для таких систем были разработаны в Европе и Японии. Поезда в парижском метро, например, работают на резиновых шинах и может достигать скорости 77 км. В Канаде инженеры построили более легкие поезда, которые могут достигать скорости 72 км.
В Соединенных Штатах 1990 более 90% транзита массовой Северной Америки был в государственной собственности и управлять ими. Вашингтон, система Метро П.Т. (в 144 миллионов всадников в 1988 году) включал в себя более широкую зону обслуживания и более эффективных графиков. В настоящее время автобусы приходится 60% массовых транзитных поездок в Соединенных Штатах. Такие инновации, как сочлененных автобусов и зарезервированных полос движения на автомобильных дорогах сбалансированы по проблемам шума, загрязнения воздуха и движения. В настоящее время общественный транспорт является центральным общественно-политическим вопросом.
2. Прочитайте предложения и подумайте верны они или ложны. True or False?
The history of transportation is connected to industrialization, urbanization, and the separation of residence from workplace. T
In the United States, the quantity of passengers fell from 1900 to 1927. T
The system of public transport was not replaced with noisy, polluting, and comparatively slow buses. F
Now mass transit is a central social and political issue. T
3. Поставьте слова в предложении в правильном порядке
4. Выберите правильное определение для каждого данного слова и переведите их на русский язык.
radar, lane, monitor, collision, transport, navigation, traffic, destination, journey.
1) a system or method for carrying passengers or goods from one place to another.
2) a place that someone or something is going to.
3) one of the two or three parallel areas on a road which are divided by painted lines to keep traffic apart.
4) a time spent traveling from one place to another, especially over a long distance.
5) a piece of equipment that uses radio waves to find the position on things and watch their movement.
6) an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions
7) the science or job of planning which way you need to go when you are traveling from one place to another.
8) a television or part of a computer with a screen, on which you can see pictures or information.
9) (movement) of people and vehicles along roads and streets, of aircraft in the sky.
радар, полоса, монитор, столкновение, транспорт, навигация, движение, место назначения, путешествие.
1) система или способ для перевозки пассажиров или грузов из одного места в другое. transport
2) место, которое кто-то или что-то собирается. destination
3) один из двух или трех параллельных участков на дороге, которые разделены по окрашенные линии, чтобы сохранить трафик друг от друга. lane
4) время, проведенное из одного места в другое, особенно на большие расстояния. journey.
5) часть оборудования, которое использует радиоволны, чтобы найти место на вещи и следить за их движением. navigation
6) несчастный случай, в котором два или более людей или транспортных средств, бьют друг друга при движении в разных направлениях collision
7) наука или работа планирования, какой путь вы должны пойти, когда вы путешествуете из одного места в другое. radar
8) телевизор или часть компьютера с экраном, на котором вы можете увидеть изображения или информацию. monitor
9) (движение) людей и транспортных средств вдоль дорог и улиц, самолетов в небе. traffic
INSERT «What do we know ?» I know - I don’t know +- It is new for me -?- It surprised
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