1. Етапи та форми роботи над текстами з домашнього читання
Домашнє читання як компонент навчального предмета іноземні мови здатне забезпечити більш міцне формування всіх навиків різних видів мовної діяльності, тобто служить засобом навчання для читання, для аудіювання, письма і говоріння. В сучасній школі головна мета навчання іноземній мові – формування в учнів комунікативної компетенції.
Для більш ефективного і цілеспрямованого формування умінь учнями здійснюю роботу над текстом поетапно.
Предтекстовий етап –передує читанню тексту. Це завдання спрямовані на реалізацію наступних завдань: прогнозувати зміст тексту, актуалізувати знання, зняти труднощі у розумінні тексту, постановка комунікативних задач читання.
Другий етап безпосередньо пов’язаний з читанням тексту. Учні досягають розуміння тексту, яке відповідає поставленим комунікативним задачам.
Третій етап виконує задачу перевірки розуміння прочитаного.
Четвертий етап – інформаційна переробка текстів. При цьому дотримуюсь принципу від простого до складного, тобто за вправами на пошук інформації йдуть відповіді на питання, постановка власних питань, стислий переказ тексту та інші.
П’ятий, останній етап пов’язаний з постановкою та вирішенням комунікативних задач. Учням пропоную здійснити одне або кілька повідомлень на основі тексту або у зв’язку з ним.
Для організації домашнього читання маю свій фонд матеріалів. Тексти підбираю з різних джерел (старі підручники, окремі видання для читання).
Для перевірки розуміння тексту підбираю такі завдання:
Знайдіть і запишіть відповіді на запитання.
Випишіть речення, які характеризують одну з дійових осіб.
Перегляньте ще раз текст і розставте пункти плану.(План дається з порушеною послідовністю).
Прочитайте текст і складіть до нього план.
Прочитайте і доберіть правильні твердження з двох-трьох запропонованих.
Прочитайте текст і заперечте або підтвердіть такі висловлювання.
Заповніть таблицю(використовуючи інформацію з тексту про героїв).
Створіть діалог використовуючи модель.
Вставте слова відповідно до змісту.
Закінчи думку речення.
Напиши твір використовуючи план.
Перекажи зміст тексту.
Звичайно, характер завдань залежить від індивідуальних особливостей кожного класу.
Основними етапами формування мовного компонента комунікативної компетенції є формування лексичної та граматичної компетенції. Основними типами завдань на цьому рівні є, наприклад:
Learn the words and expressions given in the suggested list of useful words and expressions. Recall the situations from the text in which they are used.
Look at the sentences below. Choose the missing verb from the list on the right and put it into the correct form.
Check you know the meaning of these words and phrases. Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.
Значну увагу приділяю традиційно проблемним аспектам англійської лексики: фразовим дієсловам, вживанню прикметників, сталим виразам та іншим. На закріплення цих мовних явищ пропоную наступні завдання:
Replace the underlined words with the correct form of phrasal verb.
Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with a suitable preposition or postposition.
Look at the collocations. Can you match each verb on the left with a word or phrase on the right.Look at these sentences. Pick out the missing phrasal verbs from the list on the right. Make sure you use the proper form of the verb.
Необхідною складовою роботи з лексикою вважаю підтримання мотивації учнів, чому у значній мірі сприяють завдання у формі пазлів, кросвордів, «розірваних слів», завдань на логічне мислення. Сам зміст завдань та формулювання націлюють учнів на роботу з текстом, наприклад:
Complete the puzzle using the adjectives from the text.
Complete the crossword using the clues to help you find the necessary adjectives used in the text.
Підбираючи завдання на перевірку розуміння прочитаного переслідую дві основні мети: стимулювати учнів до уважного читання тексту і перевірити розуміння змісту в цілому і значення окремих фрагментів зокрема
Для перевірки розуміння змісту тексту роблю перевірку за допомогою тесту, різні форми визначення правдивості \ помилковості запропонованих тверджень. Іншими видами завдань для перевірки розуміння прочитаного можуть бути: відновлення хронології подій, упізнавання персонажів за їхнім описом або висловлюваннями, зіставлення персонажів з подіями та інші.
Інтегрований і комплексний характер домашнього читання при правильній постановці завдань, оптимальній організації навчальної діяльності та наявності відповідного методичного забезпечення значно підвищує ефективність навчання іноземним мовам в середній школі.

2. Післятекстові завдання (для перевірки знань лексичного матеріалу та розвитку комунікативних навичок)
The girls lived in a big house in New York. The name of one girl was Sue, and the name of the other was Johnsy. Sue and Johnsy were painters. They were big friends and lived and worked together like two sisters. Their room was small. They had very little work, and sometimes they had very little food, But they were very happy because they liked their work very much, and when people like their work, they are always happy.
November came. It was very cold in the streets, and it rained every day.
One day Johnsy fell ill. She was very ill. She was all hot and cold, and her head was heavy. Once the doctor said, “Sue, I want to talk to you. Come out into the corridor”. In the corridor doctor said, “Sue, Your friend is very ill. My medicine will not help her if she does not want to live. And she says that she wants to die. When people do not want to live, no medicine will help them.”
The doctor went away, and Sue stayed in the corridor and cried.
“What did the doctor said to you?” asked Johnsy.
“He says you are getting better,” answered the girl.
“No”, said Johnsy. “I shall die soon”.
Sue began to make soup, when she suddenly heard Johnsy’s voice: “Twelve, eleven”, she said and then, “ten, nine,eight, and seven”.
From the window she could see the wall of a big building. An old ivy vine grew against the wall. There were only a few brown leaves on it.
“Johnsy, what are you counting?” asked Sue.
“I am counting the leaves. Yesterday there were many leaves. Today there are only seven. Oh, another leaf fell down. There are only six leaves left.”
“But why are you counting them?” asked Sue.
“ I am counting them, because I know that when the last leaf falls down, I shall die.”
Johnsy, please, do not say so,” Sue asked.
“Yes, Sue, I know. I know that when the last leaf falls down, I shall die”.
Evening came. There was only one leaf left on the old ivy vine. All the other leaves were on the ground.
“You see, Sue, there is only one leaf left on the ivy vine now. It will fall down at night and then I shall die”.
Sue did not answer her. She wanted to cry. She went out into the corridor and cried there. At that moment old Behrman came into the corridor. Behrman was a painter too. He lived in the same house where Sue and Johnsy lived. He was sixty. He was not a very good painter, but he always said, “Everybody laughs at old Berhman. But Berhman is a great painter. Some day he will paint a beautiful picture. It will be the best picture in the world”.
People did not like Berhman because he did not like to talk to others, and he always laughed at everybody.
“Why are you crying, girl”? he asked when he saw Sue.
“Oh, Johnsy is very ill”, answered the girl, “the doctor says that the medicine will not help her if she does not want to live. And she counts the leaves of the old ivy vine in the yard.”
“Why doesn’t she want to live? Why does she count the leaves?”
“Johnsy thinks”, said the girl, “that she will die when the last leaf on the old ivy vine in our yard falls down”.”And how many leaves are left on the ivy vine now?’ asked Berhman.
“Only one. And I think it will fall down tonight”.“How silly your Johnsy is”, said Berhman and went away.
Morning came. Johnsy looked out of the window and saw that the last leaf was still on the ivy vine. The day passed. But the last leaf did not fall down. ”Oh, Sue, this leaf wants to show me how silly I was. There was a wind and rain, and it still lives. I shall not die, I shall live too.”
A few days passed. The doctor came. He examined Johnsy and said, “My girl, you are much better now. You were more lucky than Berhman”.
“Berhman? What is the matter with him?”
“Don’t you know? Berhman died last night,” answered the doctor.
“Berhman! Died! But why?“A few days ago in the morning,” said the doctor, “people found him in the yard. Near him there was a ladder and some brown and yellow paint. Nobody knew why he was in the yard on such a cold night. Nobody asked him. People didn’t like old Berhman.”
Sue came up quickly to the window and looked out. On the wall there was an old ivy vine with one brown leaf on it. The last leaf. Sue looked at the leaf and saw that it was not a real leaf. It was a picture. The best picture in the world which old Berhman had always wanted to paint.Task1. Match the English word-combinations with the Ukrainian ones.
1.to have very little work a. мати озноб,
2.to fall ill b. ліки не допоможуть,
3.to be all hot and cold c. захворіти,
4.a heavy head d. мати мало роботи,
5.the medicine won’t help e. йти на поправку,
6.to get better f. залишилося 6 листків,
7.there are 6 leaves left g. важка голова.
Task2. Say if the following statements are true or false.
Johnsy said she didn’t want to die.
2. “When the last leaf falls, I shall recover”, Johnsy said.
3. Johnsy was a young painter.
4. The last leaf did not fall down.
5. Johnsy didn’t feel better.
6. People found Berhman in the yard.
7. It wasn’t a real leaf on the ivy vine, it was a picture.
Task3. Make your own sentences with the given word-combinations.
-to fall down -ivy vine -to laugh at - --to count leaves -to look out down -to come up to the window
Task4. Answer the following questions choosing the right variant.
1.What did Johnsy and Sue do?
a) they were teachers b) they were students c) they were painters
2.Why were they happy?
a) they had a lot of money b) they liked their work c) they had very little work
3.Why did Sue cried one day?
a) Jhonsy was very ill b) Johnsy didn’t want to live c) there was no medicine for her
4.What did Johnsy count?
a) days b) figures c) leaves
Task5. Write a letter to Johnsy. Make Johnsy change her mind.

Mr. Dursley might have been drifting into an uneasy sleep, but the cat on the wall was still sitting as a statue. In fact, it was nearly midnight before the cat moved at all.
Suddenly, as if out of the ground, a man appeared on the corner the cat had been watching. He was tall, thin, very old with silvery hair and beard wearing long robes, a purple cloak and high-heeled boots. This man’s name was Albus Dumbledore.
“Fancy seeing you here, Professor McGonagall.”He turned to a smile at the tabby, but it has gone. Instead he was smiling at a rather severe-looking woman who had wearing square glasses. She was in a cloak too.”How did you know it was me?’ she asked.
“My dear Professor, I’ve never seen a cat sit so stiffly.
“You’d be stiff if you’d sitting on a brick wall all day. But I’ve seen much: everyone’s celebrating all right, but not very careful – even the Muggles have noticed something’s going on.”
She threw a sharp glance at Dumbledore. “I suppose You-Know-Who has gone, Dumbledore?’
“It certainly seems so,” said Dumbledore. “We have much to be thankful for.”
“My dear Professor, surely a sensible person like yourself can call him by hia name? I have been trying to persuade people to call him by his proper name: Voldemort.”
“Yes, it all gets so confusing if we keep saying ‘You-Know-Who’.
“I agree. But you are different. Everyone knows you’re the only one You-Know-Who, all right, Voldemort, was frightened of.”
“You flatter me,” said Dumbledore calmly. “Voldemort had powers I will never have.”
“Only because you’re too noble to use them. You know what everyone is saving? About why he’s disappeared? The rumour is that he turned up in Godric’s Harlow to find the Potters. Lilly and James Potter are – they are dead.” Dumbledore bowed his head. Professor McGonarall gasped.
“I know, I know.”
“That’s not all. They’re saying he tried to kill the Potter’s son, Harry. But he couldn’t. No one knows why, Voldemort’s powers somehow broke – and that’s why he’s gone. Is this true? How in the name of heaven did Harry survive?”
“We may only guess.”
Professor Dumbledore gave a great sniff as he took a golden watch from his pocket and examined it. “Hagrid’s late.”
“Yes,” said Professor McGonagall. “And I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me why you’re here, of all places?”
“I’ve to bring Harry to his aunt and uncle.”
“You don’t mean the people who live here?” cried Professor McGonagall. “I’ve been watching them all day. You couldn’t find two people who are less like us.”
“It’s the best place for him. His aunt and his uncle will be able to explain to him when he’s older. I’ve written them a letter.”
At this moment, a low sound broke the silence. It grew louder as they looked up and down the street. A huge motorcycle fell out of the air and landed on the road in front of them. The man who was sitting astride it was almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide. In his vast arms he was holding a bundle of blankets.
“Hagrid,” said Dumbledore, sounding relieved. “At last.”Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall bent forward over the bundle of blankets. They saw a baby boy, fast asleep. On his forehead there was a curiously shaped scar, like a bolt of lightning. Dumbledore said, ”He’ll have this scar forever.”
Dumbledore took Harry into his arms and turned toward the Dursley’s house. He laid Harry gently on the doorstep, put the letter inside Harry’s blankets and then came back to the other two.
“Well, that’s that,” said Dumbledore finally. “We’ve no business staying here.”
“Yeah,”said Hagrid. “I’ll be taking Sirius his bike back. Good night, Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore.”
With a roar the motorbike rose into the air and off into the night. Dumbledore turned and walked back down the street. On the corner he stopped, took out the silver Put0Outer, clicked it several times, and Privet Drive after being completely dark glowed suddenly bright orange. The cat at the other end of the street was slinking around the corner. Dumbledore could see just the bundle of blankets on the step of number four.
“Good luck, Harry,” he murmured. He turned his heel and with a swish of his cloak, he was gone.
Harry Potter rolled over his blankets without waking up. He didn’t know that he was famous, he didn’t know that he was special, he didn’t know he would be woken in a few hours’ time by Mrs.Dursley’s scream as she opened the front door… He couldn’t know that at this very moment, people meeting in secret all over the country were holding up their glasses saying: “To Harry Potter – the boy who lived!”
Task 1. Find the Ukrainian equivalents of the expressions in the text printed in italics: 1) осяяти 2) сполох блискавки
3) той, що сидів на ньому
4) лестити
5) розсудливий
6) нерухомо, холоднокровно
7) можливо поринав у сон
Task 2. Find the equivalents in the text:
шрам цікавої форми
майже вдвічі вищий за звичайну людину
жінка, досить сурова на вигляд
швидко повертаючи за ріг
я сподіваюсь, що ви мені не скажете…
згорнуті (у вузол) ковдри
Task 3. Match the verbs with the definitions:
to sniff to look quickly at something or someone
to gasp to make a deep, loud noise
to glance to make a loud high noise with your voice because you are hurt or excited
to scream to breathe in suddenly in a way that can be heard, especially because you are surprised or in pain
to roar to breathe air into your nose noisily
Task 4. Choose the appropriate translation for the nouns:
a sniff подих, шморгання носом, вдохa glance вдох, швидкий погляд, крик
a roar ревіння, видох, викрик
a scream ревіння, стон, стенання
Task 5. Answer the questions.
Who did that strange cat appear to be?
Who was another man to appear in the street? What did he look like?
Whom did Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore call the word “Muggles”?
What for did Hagrid come?
What did the three characters of the chapter say about Harry Potter?
What was Voldermort like? Why was not he called by his proper name?
Did the Potters seem normal to Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore?
Were the Dursleys different from them? In what?
Did other common Londoners know anything about Voldemort or the Potters?
Task 6. Points for discussion:
Talk about the people who were different from the Muggles (common Londoners).
Why did Dumbledore decide to bring Harry to the Dursleys though it was not an ideal place for him to live in? Was it right for him, do you think?
1). Holland is not a very large country but it has a lot of canals. Many years ago the canals were like roads for the Dutch country people. When they wanted to go to the market, to the center of the town or even to some other town, they used the canals. In summer they went along the canals in boats, in winter they skated on them.
On a cold December morning, two poorly dressed children were on the canal in a small Dutch town. The two children who were brother and sister wanted to skate a little before school. They were so poor that they only had wooden skates which they tied to their feet with strings.
2). «Come quick, Gretel!» cried her brother who was already on the ice. «We haven’t much time to skate”.
“Oh, Hans. I can’t tie this string. It’s too short,” cried the little girl. Hans, who was a good brother, ran back to his sister and helped her. They skated well but the wooden skates were not good and first Gretel and then Hans fell down. They didn’t skate any more and went home.
3). School was over and there were many children on the ice of the canal. They wore nice clothes and had good steel skates on their feet. Hans and Gretel were, there too, with their wooden skates. Some boys and girls began to laugh at them.
“They are good children, but they are poor. Their father is very ill and he can’t work. You mustn’t laugh at them,” said Hilda, a big girl. Then Hilda went up to the brother and sister.
“Do you know that there will be a skating race ay the end of the month?” asked Hilda. ”You skate well, so you can take part in it. The prize is a pair of silver skates with little bells on them.”
“But we only have wooden skates. We can’t take part in the race,” said Hans sadly.
4). Hilda smiled. “Here is some money for one pair of skates. Buy them and decide yourselves which of you will take part in the race”.
“Thank you very much, Miss Hilda”, said Hans. “But we can’t take the money. We haven’t earned it”.
Hilda thought a little and then she said, “Gretel has a nice wooden necklace. Did you make it, Hans?”
“Yes”, said Hans
“Can you make one for me?” asked Hilda.
“Yes, I can. I’ll do it with pleasure, Miss Hilda,” answered Hans.
“Very well,” said Hilda. “And the money that I have given you will be for your work.”
5). Next morning Peter, a boy from Hilda’s class, asked Hans to make a wooden necklace for his sister. Now Hans had money for a second pair of skates. After school he skated to Amsterdam on his old wooden skates and bought two pairs of good steel skates.
At last the day of the race came. Many men, women and children put on their best warm clothes and came to the canal to watch the races.
There were forty skaters, twenty boys and twenty girls. The boys and girls had to skate in turn until one girl and one boy won two races. They stood in a long line at the start.
6).When the signal was given, the girls began to race. Hilda and Gretel with three other girls were soon in front, but Gretel won the first race. When the boys ran, Karl won the first race. Then the girls ran again. Hilda won the second race. Peter won the boys’ second race. When the girls started the third race, they all ran fast. But little Gretel was the fastest again. So she won two races. Now the boys were in a line at the start of their third race. But Peter couldn’t put on his skates, the strap on one of the skates was broken.
Hans ran up to Peter and said, “Take my strap. I will not skate this time.”
“No, Hans,” cried Peter. “Thank you very much, but I can’t do that.”
“If you call me a friend,” said Hans, “you just take my strap. Be quick.”
So Peter took the strap. They all ran very fast. Peter was the first. So Peter, like Gretel, won two races.
He and Gretel became the King and Queen of the Young Skaters of their town. All the people clapped their hands when Peter and Gretel got the silver skates.
Task1. Match the words with their translations.
to tie а. по черзі
strings b. плескати в долоні
steel skates c. зав’язкаto earn d. Базар
in turn e. намисто
a strap f. сміятися над кимось
necklace g. мотузка
to clap the hands h. стальні ковзани
to laugh at smb. i. заробляти
market j. зав’язуватиTask 2. Say who did the following.
When they wanted to go to the market or some other place they used the canals.
They were so poor that they only had wooden skates which they tied to their feet with strings.
She asked Gretel to make a nice wooden necklace fir her.
After school he skated to Amsterdam on his old wooden skates and bought two pairs of good steel skates.
They became the King and Queen of the Young skaters of their town.
Task 3. Arrange the headings of the paragraphs according to the text.
Hans and Gretel.
Hilda helps Hans and Gretel.
The King and Queen of the Young Skaters.
The way of life in Holland.
A skating race.
The last day of the race.
Task 4. Choose the right variant.
a) Ukraine b) England c) Holland d) France
is not a very large country.
On a cold December morning
two b) four c) three d)five
poorly dressed children were skating on the canal.
They wanted
to swim b) to play hockey c) to skate d) to dance before school.
They were so poor that they had
silver b) steel c) wooden d) golden skates.
a) classmates b) parents c) their teacher d) Hilda
decided to help Hans and Gretel.
Hilda asked Gretel to make
a toy b) a necklace c) a ring d) a pair of skates for her.
After school Hans skated to Amsterdam and bought
one pair b) nothing c) three pairs d) two pairs
of good steel skates.
a) twenty b) forty c) four d) ten
skaters stood in long line at the start.
Hans ran to Peter and
Gave him his strap b) didn’t give his strap c) gave another pair of skates
Gave his sledges
10. a) Hans and Gretel b) Peter and Hilda c) Hans and Hilda d) Gretel and Peter
became the King and Queen of the Young Skaters of the town.
Task 5. Dramatize a dialogue between Hans and Hilda.
Список використаної літератури
Варзацька Л. Інтерактивні технології в системі особистісно-зорієнтованої освіти/ Варзацька Л., Кратасюк Л. // Дивослово. – 2006. - №4. – с.15-25.
Селіванова Н.А. Домашнє читання - важливий компонент змісту навчання іноземних мов у середній школі / Н.А.Селіванова // ИЯШ – 2004. – №4. – с.21-26.
Сисоєв П.В., Євстигнєєв М.Н. Компетенція вчителя іноземної мови в галузі використання інформаційно-комунікативних технологій: визначення понять і компонентний склад/ П.В.Сисоєв, М.Н.Євстигнєєв// ИЯШ – 2011. – №6. – с.16-20.
Фадєєв В.М. Домашнє читання в старших класах, його організація і прийоми контролю/ В.М.Фадєєв// ИЯШ – 1979. - №6. – с.28-30.
За матеріалами статей N.Ishcuk «The Manual on the Home Reading for the Senior Students of the Secondary School», «Англійська мова». - №4. – 1998; [http:// www.online-literature.com/o_henry/].