Презентация Gardening in England
Your Home Task was….. Ex. 7 A, p. 105 1. What was Omar’s father doing in the garden on Sunday?2. What was Omar’s mother doing in the garden on Sunday?3. What was Asel doing in the garden on Sunday?4. What was Omar doing in the garden on Sunday? Practice: ex.8, p. 106
Do you have a garden?
Do you often work in the garden?
Do you plant trees every year?
Do you have fruit-trees and flowers in your garden?
Do you enjoy working in the garden?
Do you want to be a gardener? Open your vocabularies and write down the new words. Own [ o u n ] собственныйPrefer [ p r i ' f ә ] предпочитатьPatches of land [ p ж t ∫ әz әv l ж n d ] Небольшой участок землиAllotment [ә 'l כ t m ә n t ] распределениеPrize [ p r a i z e] призSpecial area [ 's p e ∫ ә l 'ε ә r i ә ] специальная площадь Ex.11, p.106-107 England is famous for its gardens and most people like gardening. Flower shows and vegetable shows are popular in England. At these shows gardeners get prizes for the most beautiful flowers and the biggest vegetables. The process of growing plants is more important to a lot of gardeners than looking at flowers or eating vegetables. Ex.12, p.107. Are the sentences true or false?
Correct the false sentences.
a) English people like gardening.
b) Flower shows and vegetable shows are not popular in England.
c) At these shows gardeners get prizes.
d) Looking at flowers or eating vegetables is more important to a lot of gardeners than the process of growing plants .
Ex.13, p.107. a. Is your country famous for its gardens?
b. What do people usually grow in the gardens?
c. Do you have flower and vegetables shows in your town / village?
d. What kind of flowers would you like to have in your garden?
e. Do you have wild flowers in your garden? Home task Ex. 15, p.107 “ Gardening in my town / village/ city / school ” .