Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку Модальные глаголы 11 класс к учебнику Английский в фокусе

Самостоятельная работа
Module 5 “Modal Verbs”
Variant 1
1 Underline the correct item.
1.You shouldn’t/don’t have to park your motorbike on the pavement; you’ll get a fine if you do so.
2. If you’re planning to have a loud party, you may/ought to inform your neighbours.
3. Cynthia might/is to move to a house in the suburbs, but she’s not sure yet.
4. Tom needn’t have given/didn’t need to give Sarah a lift to work because she had taken her own car.
5. He was supposed to be/must have been back from Madrid last Monday but he decided to stay longer.
6. It mustn’t/can’t be Peter. He is too tall.
7. “You can’t/mustn’t have done well at your exams! You hadn’t studied at all”
8. “You might/should have asked me before you told him my secret. I didn’t want him to find out the truth.”
9. You have to/should start work at 9am every day.
2 Fill in: needn’t have, can’t, ought to, mustn’t, could, must, shouldn’t, didn’t need to.
1. Emma ………….. pay much for the renovation to her house; the cost was quite low.
2. We ………. have avoided the heavy traffic if we’d left home earlier.
3. Lily ……… have been terribly upset to find all that rubbish in her garden.
4. You ………. throw litter on the street; it’s against the law.
5. You ………. turned the music down; it wasn’t bothering me at all.
6. Harry …….. have apologized to Mrs Thomson for breaking her window; she’d have appreciated it.
7. James ……… have bought a mansion! He hardly makes ends meet!
8. He ……… have trespassed on private property without getting permission first.
Самостоятельная работа
Module 5 “Modal Verbs”
Variant 2
1 Underline the correct item.
1. Alex can’t/mustn’t have moved into his new house yet; it still doesn’t have running water or electricity.
2. Can/Shall you help me clean up this mess, please?
3. You can’t/needn’t park your car on Cowper Street any more; it’s been pedestrianised.
4. The council may/should really do something about all this graffiti on public buildings; it’s really awful.
5. If you don’t like dark colours, you are supposed to/could try painting your bedroom in soft pastel tones.
6. You mustn’t/shouldn’t have insulted him. He’s always so kind to you.
7. “I needn’t have fed/didn’t need to feed the dog because my brother promised to do it.”
8. It mustn’t/can’t be Jane. She is too slim.
9. James could/should have got caught in traffic. That’s why he’s late today.
2 Fill in: needn’t have, can’t, ought to, mustn’t, could, must, shouldn’t, didn’t need to.
1. You ………. turned the music down; it wasn’t bothering me at all.
2. You ………. throw litter on the street; it’s against the law.
3. We ………. have avoided the heavy traffic if we’d left home earlier.
4. Emma ………….. pay much for the renovation to her house; the cost was quite low.
5. Lily ……… have been terribly upset to find all that rubbish in her garden.
6. James ……… have bought a mansion! He hardly makes ends meet!
7. He ……… have trespassed on private property without getting permission first.
8. Harry …….. have apologized to Mrs Thomson for breaking her window; she’d have appreciated it.