Викторина по английскому языку для 6-7 классов «In the country of the English language»
Викторина « In the country of the English language» для 6-7 классов
Teacher: Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls, guests and teachers! Today we are having a competition « In the country of the English language» . Now the participants will divide into two groups and introduce themselves. Please, you are welcome!
( участники говорят о себе, представляют название команды, девиз, могут прочитать стих, спеть песню и т.д.)
The 1 st game. Further, further ,further. The next one.Now we have the 1st competition. Участники команд по очереди ответят на вопросы. Если вы не знаете ответа на вопросы, то можете сказать: The next one и вам будет задан следующий вопрос. Are you ready to start?
Questions for the 1st team:
What is the official name of Britain?
What is Big Ben?
What is the capital of England?
What birds live in the Tower of London?
What is Charlie Chaplin famous for?
What was Ch. Darwin?
What is Joseph Turner famous for?
When do British people celebrate Christmas?
What river is the British capital situated?
What were the Beatles?
Questions for the 2 nd team:
Where is the UK situated?
What is the capital of the UK?
What is the symbol of England?
Where is Big Ben situated?
What is Agatha Kristie famous for?
What was Sir Author Conan Doyle?
When do British people celebrate Halloween?
What is the Traditional Christmas meal in GB?
What are the most famous royal parks?
What was John Lennon?
The 2 nd game « Sights of London»
Name as many sights of London as you can. Don’t repeat the sights of another team ( Каждая достопримечательность – 1 балл)
Tell about one of the sights of London. ( каждое верное предложение – 1 балл)
The 3 rd game « Professions»
Each team has got cards with the words.
Form the words, meaning a profession.
Tell what you are going to be in future and what kind of person you should be. (члены команды по очереди говорят о своей будущей профессии и о личностных качествах, необходимых для данной профессии:Example: I am going to be a veterinarian. A vet should be kind, intelligent and hardworking)
The 4 th game “ The comb”.
You see the table with the word. Make new words beginning the first letter of this word ( for the word, consisting of 5 and more letters a team can get 2 points)
c a p it a l
o n s is t The 5 th game. An interview.Ask the members of the other team as many questions about him/her. You can use these words and expressions:
Name, surname, form, address, hobby, favourite day ( sport, subject…), family, personal characteristics, future profession, etc.
( каждое верное предложение – 1 балл)
Answer the other team‘s questions. ( каждое верное предложение – 1 балл)
The 6 th game. The word game.
Teams in turn should name as many words as they can on the topics:
days of the week;
subjects at school;
what pupils do at the lessons.