Презентация на тему British Holidays and Traditions
British holidays and traditions
Bank Holidays New Year’s Day – 1 JanuaryGood Friday – the Friday before EasterEaster Monday – 1st day (Monday) after EasterMay Day – 1 MaySpring Bank Holiday – May/the beginning of JuneSummer Bank Holiday – August/SeptemberChristmas Day – 25 DecemberBoxing Day – 26 December
Other holidaysSt. David’s Day – 1 March (Wales)St. Patrick’s Day – 17 March (Northern Ireland)St. George’s Day – 23 April (England)St. Andrew’s Day – 30 November (Scotland)Hogmanay – 31 DecemberHalloween – 31 OctoberGuy Fawkes Night – 5 November
Traditions of celebrating holidaysEaster:Children enjoy eating candy bunnies and listening to stories about the Easter bunnyDyeing eggs at Easter time is still very popular
May day (1.05)Morris dance - a form of English folk dance usually accompanied by musicParades, fairs, tulip festivals
Children may be seen dancing round the maypole
Halloween (31.10)People play difficult gamesDressing up in strange costumesCutting horrible faces in vegetablesTrick-or-treating tradition
Guy Fawkes Night (5.11)“Penny for the guy”Letting off fireworksBurning a dummy on a bonfire
Christmas (25.12)decorating housespulling a crackercarol serviceswatching the Queen’s message on TVgiving presents
Boxing Day (26.12)watching footballvisiting friends or relativesgiving gifts
Hogmanay (31.12)singing the song “For Auld Lang Syne”a piece of coal, a piece of bread and a silver coinfirst footing
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