презентация к уроку по английскому языку для 8 класса Прогноз погоды

Weather forecast What is the weather like today? Today the weather is…………. Let’s train our tongues [w] [р] what, when, where, wet, weather they, father, mother, brother, Netherlands Centigrade['sentigreid] — шкала температур;Celsius['selsiəs] — Цельсий;Fahrenheit['fжrənhait] — шкала температур по Фаренгейту;temperature['tempritƒə] —температура;Above zero[ə'bλv'ziərəύ] — выше нуля;Below zero[bi'ləu'zirəu] - ниже нуля;degree[di'gri:] - градус; forecast['fo:ka:st] — прогноз погоды; прогнозировать погоду. What scale is used in Russia (Britain, the USA)? Stand up! Stand straight! Hands up! Hands down! Hands to the sides! Hands forward! Hands backward! Hands on your hips! Turn to the left! Turn to the right! Bend left! Bend right! Bend down, your hands touching your toes. Hands up! Grow as tall as a tall tree! Nod your head! Turn your head to the left, to the right! Stretch yourselves! Move your fingers! HOMEWORK EX 22, P9