Методическая разработка урока Английского языка по теме “ Environmental Protection” in 10-TH form.

Методическая разработка урока
Английского языка по теме
“ Environmental Protection” in 10-TH form.
Тема урока:Охрана окружающей среды.
1.Создать на уроке речевые ситуации,
моделирующие реальные ситуации обсуждения охраны
окружающей среды на международной конференции экологами,
врачами, которые бы мотивировали использование иностранного
языка с целью общения.
2. Добиться реализации главной цели урока в процессе
выполнения продуктивных упражнений:
а) сообщение и комментирование фактов
б) доказательство положений
в) описание явлений
г)дискуссия между всеми учащимися группы.
3.Осуществлять мотивирующую индивидуализацию: использовать
вариативные задания, подбирать речевых партнеров с учетом общности интересов и контекста деятельности.
Ход урока
Организационный момент.Речевая зарядка.
(Стулья размещают полукругом, у каждого ученика визитка.(Doctor Smith, Ecologist Mr.Brown…).
T.Dear children! Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. It won’t be a lesson, but
conference and you won’t be pupils, but ecologist, doctors, managers of big enterprises.
So, ladies and gentleman! Welcome to our conference! It will be devoted problems of environmental protection.
And now I’ve got a very interesting questions to you. Are you romantic persons? Have you got imagination? If so, listen and enjoy.(Звучит запись
«Лес на рассвете» :пение зарянки, крик кукушки, стук дятла…).
Where were you several minutes ago?(In the forest, near the river…).
Is the same, nature in our life?(Таблица №3(открыта часть №1)
2.Обратный перевод высказывания вождя племени
Североамериканских индейцев Сиэтла о роли природы в жизни человека.
Chief Seattle in his famous speech at a tribal meeting in 1854 expressed
The feelings of North America Indians (listen to the recording).
3.Передача содержания высказывания вождя без использования опор.
And what is our life without nature? I fully agree with Davies, the poet, who expressed his feelings in his poem “Leisure”. I like it very much. Do you?
4.Декламирование стихотворения.
What is this life, if full of care
We’ve no time to stand and state,
No time to see when woods we pass
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see in broad daylight
Streams full of stars like skies at night.
A poor life this is, full of care,
We’ve no time to stand and stare.
Really, a poor life this is if we live outside of natural world.
Yet, we are constantly destroying our home. And speaking about our smaller brothers, such words as neglection and destruction can be used.
As all the representatives of our conference are members of the Green Peace movement, let us work out some slogans of our conference.
5.Формирование девиза и лозунгов конференции. На доске рисунки животных и птиц из красной книги. Слабые ученики получают карточки, подобные карточке №2.
Well, ladies and gentlemen! I think it’s high time to invite an ecologist here.
Who wants to act as an ecologist?
6.Сообщение и комментирование интересных фактов из серии«Экология и животныймир» в форме игры.
Hi! I am John Brown. I have been working in this sphere for 10 years already and I know all its burning problems. Now, I’ll give you some interesting facts: By the year 2030 25% of animals, birds, fish and insects may be extinct. A horrible fact, isn’t it?What are the main reasons for it?
Работа со схемой:
Extinction of animals

Hunting Pollution
Environment itself
Well, the word “pollution” has just been mentioned. And what is pollution?
(the answer: it is the contamination of environment, including air, water and land).Speaking about the air we also need a specialist, and I want to invite here the manager of a big industrial enterprise. It’s a big chemical plant.
7.Диалог- расспрос.(Таблица №5 И 6- на доске).
Well, we have got an idea of how acid rains form.Let’s once more enumerate the steps of the formation of acid rains.
8. Монолог- описание явления.
Pollution means the contamination of water. I want you to relax for some minutes. Listen to these sounds.
9.Запись звуков прибоя, криков чаек.
Are these sounds familiar to you?Of course,these are the sounds of the ocean, the great significant ocean!
Some specialists on the problems of the ocean are presented at our conference. Let’s invite one of them with a report.
10.Монолог- сообщение фактов.
And now I invite you to take part in the discussion of the problems, mentioned in Ann Smith’s report.
11.Дискуссия по проблемам, изложенным предыдущuм специалистом. Опора- таблица№4. Учащиеся задают вопросы по предъявленным ответам.
Ladies and gentlemen! As you know, human beings have two environments. One is the outside world. And the other is there is their own bodies we have already spoken about and the influence of the outside world on us. And what else can make us seriously ill? We need a doctor here to speak about health problems.
12.Дискуссия по опоре:
too little exercise drugs
stressbad food
Card №1
Every year the sea… It contains more… Many people
Only…Imagine, what it must be like… Many animals
Oil tanker disaster are very…In 1989 one of such
…are also very harmful.
Chlorine accumulates… and causes problems with…In
1998… were killed by… because…
Let our children see these…!
Help these rare… to survive!
Save these unique…!
Sop killing… for the sake of…!
Give freedom to all…!
Card №3
1.The sea is getting more polluted.
2.People only worry when they want to swim.
3.Beacuse animals depend on the sea for food.
4.Yes, oil, tanker disasters are very dangerous.
5.Thousand of sea- otters were killed.
6.Yes, chlorine mixtures are very harmful.
7.Because they accumulate in the fat of animal’s bodies.
8.Problems with their liver.
Card №4
1.Not all emissions are controlled.
2.They contain such substances…
3.They mix with moisture in atmosphere.
4,They form acid rains.
5.These rains usually fall many km. From the source of pollution.
6.Lakes, forests, crops are at risk.
7.Of course, people try to control emissions.
13.Брейн- ринг по вопросам экологии.
And now it’s time for fun! Let’s play brain- ring.
There are two teams here: the team of ladies and the team of gentlemen.
The questions:
1.What is ecology?
2.What are three components of biodiversity?
3.What is ozone?
4.How many species are there in the world?
5.How many tropical forests have been cleared up or damaged?
6.What is the projected population in 2050?
7.What factors determine whether a land is a forest, grassland or a desert?
8.How many people work and live in health – threatening conditions?
14.Выработка документа конференции:«Декларация взаимозависимости»
Every conference usually ends with a document. I invite you to work out a document of our conference. It’ll be “A Declaration of Interdependence”.Выполнение обратного перевода.
15.Исполнение песни «On a wagon, bound for market,
There’s a calf with a mournful eye…»
16.Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.