Комплексная контрольная работа в 6 классе по темам : Причастие. Восклицательные предложения
МБОУ гимназия 12 города Липецка
Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе«Причастие. Восклицательные предложения.»
учитель английского языка
Суслова Людмила Владимировна
гЛипецк 2014
Variant I
Task I. Express the same in English.
1.Какой привлекательный план! 2. Погода такая изменчивая! 3. Какая трогательная сцена! 4. Какая дорогая эта машина! 5. Ее здоровье такое хрупкое! 6. Какой необычный пейзаж!
Task II. Insert articles where necessary.
1.What ___ important information it is! 2. How fresh__ air is! 3. What ___ clean water it is! 4. How polite ___ girl is! 5. What ___ green fields they are! 6. What ___ beautiful hair! 7. What__ long street!
Task III. Complete the sentences using such or so.
1.It is ___ exciting news! 2. The weather in England is ___ changeable! 3. The story was ___ unusual! 4. The Queen was ___ happy with her husband and nine children! 5. His death was ___ a tragedy for her! 6. Some presents can be ___ a big problem!
Task IV. Make the right choice: it’s or its.
1. London is famous for ___ places of interest. 2. ___ not difficult to find places in a new city if you have a good guide book. 3. My town is a nice place to live, ___ green and clean. 4. Each park has ___ own character.
Task V. Give English equivalents to these.
Взволнованные люди, разрушенный город, расположенный в горах, привлекающий туристов, играющий важную роль, связанный с промышленностью, путешествующий по миру.
Task VI. Chose the right participle.
1. I came nearer (attracting/attracted) by a sweet voice. 2. The ball (throwing/thrown) by a boy broke the window. 3. He looked at (playing/played) children and remembered his childhood. 4. The doctor (visiting/visited) the boy every day informed us about his health. 5. The smell of spring flowers (coming/come) from the meadow was fantastic. 6. London has got a lot of places (connecting/connected) with the Crown.
Task VII. Chose the necessary word and fill in the gaps.
remind character politics crowns touched monarchs
1. Kings and queens wear ____ at official ceremonies. 2. His hand ___ my hair and I felt the smell of fresh grass. 3. I’m not much interested in ___, I’d rather learn history. 4. There are places in London that ___ us of their love. 5. In the history of Britain there are certain ____whose names are specially remembered. 6. Who is the main ___ of this book?
Список использованной литературы
1. Верещагина О.В Английский язык. Москва»Просвещение», 2013.
2. Верещагина О.В. Рабочая тетрадь. Москва»Просвещение», 2013.
Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы
1. Английский язык. Тесты. Автор – Афанасьева О.В. Москва «Прсвещение», 2014.2.УМК Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В.