Презентация к литературному вечеру Лермонтов и Байрон
Lermontov &Byron
George Gordon Byron
The great English poet G.G. Byron was born in 1788 in an aristocratic family. His mother came of a rich Scottish family. His father was a poor army officer, who spent his wife’s money very soon and died when the boy was 3 years old. The family lived in Scotland where the boy went to Grammar school.ScotlandThe Life of the Poet
Byron’s Parents
In 1798 Byron’s granduncle died and the boy inherited the title of lord and the family estate Newstead Abby. The family came to live there and George was sent to Harrow school where boys of aristocratic families got their education. At 17 Byron entered Cambridge University and his literary career began. Newstead Abby Cambridge University
In 1807 when Byron was a student he published his first collection of poems “Hours of Idleness”. He graduated from the University in 1808. Byron inherited the right to be a member of the Houses of Lords. He made speeches in the Parliament in which he defended the English people.
His revolutionary speeches helped his enemies to attack the poet. Byron had to leave England.He lived in Italy and struggled against Austrians with carbonari – a revolutionary organization for independence of Italy.Italy
Then Byron went to Greece and joined the people in their struggle for independence against Turkey. The struggle for independence became the aim of his life. In this struggle he showed himself as a good military leader.Greece
In Greece Byron fell ill with typhus and died in April 1824. His friends brought his body to England. They wanted to bury him in Westminster Abby where many of great writers were buried. But the English government did not let them do it.
Byron’s MemorialByron was buried in Newstead his native place.
Michael Lermontov1814 - 1841
Michael LermontovOne of Russia's most celebrated poets of all times, Michael Lermontov was born in Moscow in the family of a nobleman. He spent his childhood and youth in Tarckany, in the province of Penza. In 1830 Lermontov entered the Moscow University, but very soon he had to leave it. Then he entered St. Petersburg School of Cavalry Cadets. He finished it and served in the Hussar Regiment of the Imperial Guard.
Lermontov’ motherПортрет Марии Михайловны Лермонтовой, матери поэта. Она умерла, когда Мише было около 2,5 лет…
Юрий Петрович Лермонтов – отец поэта. Отставной капитан, эффектно выглядел, обладал изысканными манерами и добрым, хотя и чрезмерно вспыльчивым характером…
Михаил Лермонтов в детские годы.По небу полуночи ангел летелИ тихую песню он пел;Он душу младую в объятиях несДля мира печали и слез;И звук его песни в душе молодойОстался – без слов, но живой. Ангел. 1831 год
Рисунок поэта 1832 – 1834 г., карандаш
They have much in common…
Byron’s Muses
Lermontov’s muses
My soul is dark
Место дуэли в Пятигорске
The End