Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему ecological problems
Plan of the lesson
Date: ________
Grade: 8 «а», «‰»
Theme: “Geographical position of Kazakhstan”
To give more information about new theme
To enrich pupil’s vocabulary and knowledge
To develop pupil’s abilities in speaking, writing, readi
river - ™зен
landscape- ландшафт
Exercise 1: Reading the text one by one
1. revision of the vocabulary
a) This word means the place and conditions of life. (surroundings)
b) To make air,
· нам следует использовать меньше энергии – бензина, электричества и газа.
3) We should use renewable energy such as solar power and wind power. – нам следует пользоваться возобновляемой энергией – солнечной энергией и энергией ветра.
4) We should not use so many chemicals on the land or in our food. – нам не следует использовать так много химикалий на земле (в почве) и в нашей еде.
Translate from Russian into English
1) Нам следует защищать леса. – we should protect forests.
2) Тебе следует помогать птицам и животным, заботиться о живых существах. – you should help birds and animals, take care of living things.
3) Нам не следует загрязнять атмосферу на земле и на море. – we shouldn’t pollute the atmosphere on the land and on the sea.
4) Им не следует вырубать деревья вокруг их домов и деревень. – they shouldn’t cut down trees around their houses and villages.
(The home task was to read, translate the text from ex.1 p. 67 and to learn all the new words)
Work with the text: read and translate the new words:
Industrialization – developing machinery building many factories and mills. (индустриализация)
Threat – an expression of an intention to hurt, to punish, to do harm smb.
Threaten – to express a threat against someone.
Deprive (of) – to take away from, prevent from using.
To concern - беспокоить
Vital importance
A result
To suffer from
Find the words and word combinations in the tex
· международное сотрудничество
Demand to stop
To protect the future
Answer the questions ex. 2 p.68
1) Do you think that people should try to preserve natural resources? Why? – Yes, I do. I think that we should preserve national resources for our future, for
· on fire. We should not cut down trees around our houses and villages. We should not use so many chemicals on the land.
4) Do you agree with the statement that most people understand the problem of pollution? Why? – Yes, I do. I agree with this statement, most of people understand the problem of pollution even children. They see the bad effect of the pollution on the health of people and on the nature.
5) Do you think the environment policy of our government should be stronger? Why? – Yes, I do. I’m sure that the environment policy of our government should be stronger. Only through law we can control the pollution.
6) Do you purpose to become an environment – educated person? – No, I don’t. I don’t purpose to become an environment – educated person, but I want to help the environment.
7) Do you think that most people should know the main ideas of ecology? Why? – Yes, I do. All people should know the main ideas of ecology in order to protect the environment from the pollution.
8) What have you done to be friendly to the environment? – I don’t throw litter on the ground. I don’t cut trees down. I try to take care of living things, try to plant trees and flowers. I don’t throw away empty bottles I give them to a bottle bank.
Exercise 3: Make up sentences
Is the largest second country Kazakhstan
Ural river to the flows Caspian sea
Borders Kazakhstan China with
Capital of Kazakhstan Astana with
Country our has total area land is over square kilometers 2,724
Our is country rich mineral with resources
Kazakhstan many has places beautiful
Country’s our language official is Kazakh
Exercise 6: Solve the crossword.
The reservoir on the Ili river is ..
Our country is rich in ..
Our capital of Kazakhstan is ..
Kazakhstan to border with .
Our official language is ..
International language is ...
The biggest mountain in Almaty is
Round off activities:
A short summary of the lesson:
Dear friends today we have a new theme! “Geographical position of kazakhstan”
Home task:
Ex 9. To learn by heart new words
Marks and comments:
Well done! You were very active and attentive at the lesson.
Brief reference to the next lesson:
In the next lesson we will have a new!
Lesson is over! Good bye!