Презентация ИКТ урока по английскому языку для I курса II уровня СПО на тему Зимние праздники

Презентация урока Английского языка. Преподаватель: Жиделева О.В. ГАПОУ СО Энгельсский политехникум. New Year Traditions in Britain  The First-FootVery old custom of “first footing” is still followed in Britain. “First foot” is the first person to cross the threshold of a home on New Year’s Day and a bringer of good fortune for the coming year. Preferably the male visitor would be a young, handsome, dark-haired, healthy male. New Year Symbols  One of the most widely known symbols of New Year’s Eve is the image of the Clock Tower at the Palace of Westminster, in London, counting down the last minutes of the old year. The first chimes of Big Ben, the bell housed in the Clock Tower, in the new year are broadcast live on radio and television.  This is followed by a spectacular fireworks performance, often centered on the London Eye, which is claimed to be the largest Ferris wheel in Europe. New Year ResolutionsNew Year in Great Britain is also a time to make New Year Resolutions. A New Year Resolution is a commitment to change a habit or engage in a healthier lifestyle. Typical New Year Resolution’s include giving up smoking, losing weight, vowing to get fitter or saving money. However, many of these resolutions, made in a flush of alcohol and partying, are not kept for very long and are apt to be repeated year after year! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!