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1МОУ СШ № 92 город Волгоград Spotlight 7 Module 5,6.Unit 5f,6f English in Use. Phrasal Verbs: COMELOOKПетрова Надежда Викторовна учитель английского языка 2015 год
Phrasal verb: COMECome across - Come back -Come round - Come out -Come up with - случайно встретиться, натолкнуться на кого-либовернутьсязаходить, заезжать, приходить в гостивыходить, появлятьсяпредлагать идею
She came ________ a very interesting book in her grandmother’s house .4across
He came ________ a great idea for our party. 5up with
She came ______ a secret passage in the castle. 6across
Her new novel came ___ last year. 7out
She came _______ a great idea for solving the problem. 8up with
Stephen King’s new book has just come ____. 9out
Ann came ________ a mysterious map in her grandparent’s house.10across
Yesterday my fiend came _______ the idea of going into the haunted house.11up with
Yesterday he decided to come _____ home.12 back
I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come _______.13out
When do the test results come ____ ? 14out
She came _______him at the station. 15across
Phrasal verb: LOOKLook after -Look forward to-Look for -Look up -заботиться о ком-либо, присматривать за кем –либождать чего-либо с нетерпениемискатьискать что-либо в книге, словаре
You should look ____ this word in the dictionary.18up
She doesn’t look ________ her children properly.19after
I look forward ___ my summer holidays.20to
Ann is looking ___ keys from her grandparent’s house.21for
Ann loves looking ____ her sister.22after
The teacher is looking _____ some interesting stories on the net.23up
24ResourcesImages:Slide 4 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/07/story_n_4232112.htmlSlide 5 http://authenticclaritycoaching.com/blame-game/ http://authenticclaritycoaching.com/blame-game/ Slide 6 http://www.dayjob.com/content/veterinary-science-degree-855.htm http://www.hudsonveterinaryhospital.com/services/emergency-services/Slide 7 http://www.smarta.com/smartastart2013/idea/ http://chrisankele.com/Slide 8 http://www.tiuli.com/track_info.asp?lng=eng&track_id=44Slide 9 http://www.8cn.tv/content/sdcc-chuck-palahnuik-announces-fight-club-sequel-graphic-novel-formatSlide 10 http://comerecommended.com/affordable-care-for-college-students-is-it-possible/Slide 11 http://www.eckington.net/launchpad/problem.htmlSlide 12 http://madmikesamerica.com/2013/08/inside-the-stephen-king-family/Slide 13 http://obscurendure.blogspot.ru/2012/01/review-julias-eyes-2010-dir-guillem.htmlSlide 14 http://westkarana.com/index.php/2012/10/23/pirate101-a-mysterious-map/Slide 15 http://royaltutorial.com/haunted-house-photomanipulation/Slide 16 http://kids.idshungary.com/street_wise/content/Slide 17 http://irez.me/2012/03/31/the-minority-report-on-saveme-oh/ http://www.topnews.in/light/people/steven-spielberg?page=1Slide 18 http://theconversation.com/mondays-medical-myth-feed-a-cold-starve-a-fever-13661Slide 19 http://www.timeprep.me/cfa-exam-results/Slide 20 http://74211.com/romantic-pics-couple-meeting-at-train-station-hugging-each-other/Free Notebook Themed PowerPoint Backgrounds http://www.brainybetty.com/NotebookBacks2006/Notebook_Backgrounds.htm