Презентация к уроку Mobile phones в 8 классе по учебнику Кузнецова по таксономии Блума

Checking up home task “Quiz”1. Do you know this man? What’s his name?2. Can you name his full name? 3. What is Bill Gates?4. What was his friend’s name?5. Where is he from?6. How much money did he get from his job? 7. What can you say else about him? (open question)

TechnologyMobile phones rememberingunderstandingapplyinganalyzingevaluatingcreatingBLOOM’sCAMOMI LE http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar-vocabulary/vocabulary-exercises/technology Reading for understanding Circle True or False for these sentences {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}1.Susan wrote this email.TF2.It was Tom's birthday.TF3.Susan bought Tom a computer game.TF4.Tom doesn't like the computer game.TF5.Susan has exams soon.TF6.Susan's email address is sjbogard@twindle.com.TF Write the sentences in the correct group.{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}had a birthday.gave a birthday present.wrote the email.    has exams soon.received the email.got a computer game.        Tom …  Susan …                 Acronyms(are used to save space)B4LoveCPlease call meL8AnyoneLUVCan’t waitNE1BeforePCMBye-bye for nowCWSeeBBFNToday2DAYthanksTHXlate Evaluating task Turn this text conversation into spoken language:– Wan 2go 2da cinema l8er 2nite? Cant go 2nite. Hav a d8! Is w/end ok 4u?– Yes, Sat ok. Wot do u wan 2c? Not a cartoon. I h8 cartoons! Hav u cn SpyGame?– No but iwan 2c! I luvbradpitt! cu@7? Ok CW 2CU! Bbfn!– Want to go to the cinema later tonight?Can’t go tonight. Have a date! Is weekend ok for you?– Yes, Saturday OK. What do you want to see?Not a cartoon. I hate cartoons! Have you seen Spy Game?– No but I want to see! I love Brad Pitt! See you at 7?OK. Can’t wait to see you! Bye-bye for now!