Проект на английском языке «Подари жизнь!»
Учитель английского языкаМОУ – СОШ с. Карпенка Краснокутского района Саратовской областиЕськова Елена Леонидовна 2014 год “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted”AesopHow could you interpret this statement?Доброта, даже самая маленькая, никогда не пропадает даром. Эзоп The aim of the project is:to investigate the problem of mercy and charity; to prove that the topic about kindness, mercy and charity isn’t boring; to raise students’ awareness of charity in English – speaking countries; to increase/activate vocabulary; to improve English language; to produce a pack of materials for English lessons. What I did: I studied a lot of English and Russian sources such as books, newspapers, magazines, Internet information;I systematized all these facts and materials;I looked for pictures and photos to illustrate my work;I found proverbs and saying;I made presentation and prepared a charity mini – concert. Why volunteer? Volunteering is a great way to get work experience!
You learn new skills by trying new jobs.
You might find something you'd like to do for a living, or discover what you would not want to do.
Better yet, you can meet people who can give you guidance and possibly help you to find a paid job later on.
Some volunteer opportunities involve travel across Canada or to other countries.
Employers will be impressed that you took the initiative to learn new things.
You can learn how a charitable organization works.
Best of all, you will be taking action to promote what you think is important and probably be helping someone else along the way.
Be the change that you seek! Who needs volunteers? Hospitals
Overseas development organizations
Music and arts festivals
Sporting leagues and events
Children's camps
Environmental organizations
Crisis lines and peer counselling organizations
Human rights organizations
Religious organizations
Political campaigns
Government agencies (local, provincial, federal) What are some of the things a volunteer can do? Coach a team.
Read to children.
Raise money for charity (fight diseases, reduce poverty, help the sick and injured, etc.).
Care for the elderly.
Feed the hungry.
Provide counselling and support.
Run errands and do deliveries.
Gather and analyze data.
Raise awareness of important issues.
Do clean-up and repairs in the community.
Build houses or playground equipment.
Care for animals.
Stage concerts, plays and other cultural events.
Protect the environment.
Plant trees.
Help-out with a political campaign. Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania. In 1928 Agnes left her family to become a nun. She chose a new name for herself – Teresa. In 1948 she and her pupils set up Missionaries of Charity. They worked at hospitals and schools, took care of children without parents and helped the sick and the dying. Mother Teresa never worried about the money. She always said that the help would come when it was needed. In 1979 Mother Teresa got the greatest prize in the world – the Nobel Peace Prize. Helen Keller. Before Helen Keller was even two she was blind and deaf. Life is not always easy. Sometimes it presents serious problems that make people sad and cause despair. At such times it might be good to think about the example of Helen Keller, born in America in 1880. She never gave in. Helen practiced speaking day after day until at last she developed a clear voice. Later she was able to speak before large crowds which came to hear her whenever she lectured. Helen did write “The Story of My Life” while she was in college. It was such a cheerful account of how this young girl was able to live a happy, useful life in spite of terrible difficulties. In her writings and lectures Helen Keller did everything possible to help and encourage those who were blind. The Charity Wristbands Trend. The Charity Wristbands Trend. The trend started with the popular yellow band which is inscribed with ,livestrong’ and was set up by American cyclist Lance Armstrong to raise awareness of cancer. One of the most popular wristbands in the UK is the white ,make poverty history’ band worn by UK celebrities like Bono, lead singer of U2 and Elton John. Premiership footballers Wayne Rooney and Rio Ferdinand wear the black and white ,stand up speak up’ bands to combat racism. The pink breast cancer campaign bands have seen an increase in sales since Australian pop singer princess Kylie Minogue was diagnosed with and underwent surgery for breast cancer earlier this year. Fellow Australian Nicole Kidman has been spotted wearing one too. Chulpan Khamatova & Dina Korzun Fund “Give life”. «Не щади себя - подари жизнь»
The charity fund “Give Life” was set up in 2006. The members of its board of trustees are famous actors, politicians, journalists and doctors. The foundation raises funds for children with oncological and hematological illnesses. Patients from four clinics are currently under the fund trusteeship. Мы хотим, чтобы дети были предметом любования и восхищения, а не предметом скорби!Детский рак излечим. Это опасное, тяжелое, но излечимое заболевание. Каждый год в России около пяти тысяч детей заболевают раком. Но мы больше не боимся думать об этих детях. Мы знаем, что им можно помочь.Мы знаем, как им помочь.Мы обязательно им поможем. Город: д. Молога, Костромская обл.День рождения: 4 января 2007Диагноз: глиобластомаГруппа крови: O (I) Rh+Нужно собрать: «Авастин» и «Темодал» до 27 мая 2011 Даша Калинина Город: г. ТулаДень рождения: 25 июня 1999Диагноз: саркома ЮингаГруппа крови: A (II) Rh+Нужно собрать: 568 000 рублей до 29 апреля 2011 Егор Лёвин Олег Тедеев Город: г. ВладикавказДень рождения: 16 декабря 2002Диагноз: апластическая анемияГруппа крови: O (I) Rh+Нужно собрать: «Вифенд» до 29 апреля 2011 Ира Финагина Город: с.Захарово, Рязанская областьДень рождения: 17 августа 1993Диагноз: острый лимфобластный лейкозГруппа крови: A (II) Rh+Нужно собрать: 17 000 евро до 6 мая 2011 Don’t wait till tomorrow to reach out and grow,To learn something interesting you didn’t know.Don’t wait till tomorrow to find ways to share,To make a new friend, really show what you care. Don’t wait till tomorrow to follow your heart,To savor the beauty that life can impart.Don’t wait till tomorrow to let yourself start…Take time to do it today!