Презентация к реферату по теме Здоровое питание и диета
Healthy food and dietingDone by the pupil of the 11th form school №50Julia MarukovaThe teacher is O.N. Semenova
The tasks: To learn the literature on the subject;To found out negative and positive influence of different food on our health.To reveal negative and positive factors of dieting;To clеarify the teenager`s attitude to healthy and unhealthy food .To analyze the facts.The aim is the investigation of the influencing of different kinds of food on our health.
The subject – healthy food like one of the important parts of the healthy way of life.The object – a healthy way of life.The hypothesis: if we pay more attention to what we eat, we will have a good health.Methods:1. Analysis2. Comparing analysis3. Statistics4. Practical method
The balance of nutrients in our body
The amount of children having meals at the school: elementary school
The amount of children having meals at the school: secondary school
Healthy food
Food that pupils consider healthy.
Healthy productsfruitsvegetablesbeansbuttercheese
Healthy productsmeatpoultryfish
Healthy productsnutsmilkcerealsbrown breadporridge
Unhealthy food
Food that pupils consider unhealthy
Unhealthy productshamburgerpizzasalamirollschips, fried potatoes
Unhealthy productschocolatemacaronies(pasta)cakesweets
{1E171933-4619-4E11-9A3F-F7608DF75F80}Good points of diets1. to keep fit 6. to use low-calorie food2. to cut out snacks 7. to eat less everything3. to look wonderful 8. to be healthy4. to eat more vegetables and fruits 5. Not to overeat
{85BE263C-DBD7-4A20-BB59-AAB30ACAA65A}Bad points of diets1. To have anaemia 2. To cause health problems3. To cut out of sweets4. Not to eat a lot of food
Preferences of pupils
A balanced food Fruits and vegetablesCereals, bread, pastaMeat, fish, eggs,beansMilk productsFat, sweets13542