Интерактивный кроссворд по английскому языку на тему Экология (8 класс)
1. Кныш Ксения Викторовна2. МБОУ “Брянский городской лицей №1 им. А.С. Пушкина”3. Учитель английского языкаИнтерактивный кроссворд по теме “Экология”
1. how big or small something is{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}SIZE12345678910111213
2. the process of making air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use, or the state of being dangerously dirty{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}POLLUTION12345678910111213
3. to make a liquid or other substance flow out of or into a container by holding it at an angle{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}POUR12345678910111213
4. to continue to live after an accident, war, or illness{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}SURVIVE12345678910111213
5. a person, organization, group etc is able to control and influence events and other people's actions{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}POWERFUL12345678910111213
6. the number of people living in a particular area, country etc{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}POPULATION12345678910111213
7. existing in nature and not caused, made, or controlled by people{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}NATURAL12345678910111213
8. a place where unwanted waste is taken and left{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}DUMP12345678910111213
9. to affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, thinks etc without directly forcing or ordering them{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}INFLUENCE12345678910111213
10. now, compared with what happened in the past{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}NOWADAYS12345678910111213
11. involving a lot of risk, or likely to cause problems{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}DANGEROUS12345678910111213
12. to spend time reading, going to classes etc in order to learn about a subject{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}STUDY12345678910111213
If you find all 12 words correctly, you’ll get the last one.{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}POPPDLOSOALUUPPNSURROUNDINGSITVWLAUNOETZIIEATMFWRUEOVRTUPLAODNEFIRUDUYUOAEASLNLNYCSE123456789101112
Источники1) Планета Земля –http://lenta.lviv.ua/img/20140626/b1400079dac02f9a654f1b8625ee050e.jpg2) Планета Земля -http://us.123rf.com/450wm/1xpert/1xpert1208/1xpert120800019/14916059-Планета-Земля-земной-шар-3d-визуализации,-карты-любезно.jpg3) Логотип сайта – http://t-n-deni.narod.ru/pedsovet.png4) Определения слов - http://www.macmillandictionary.com