New millennium english 11, Unit 2 People and places. Презентация проекта

The project «nizhny novgorod as a potential tourist destination»New millennium english 11, Unit 2 People and places A Group project ( Teacher -Zyurina E.o.) Nizhny Novgorod - the city with rich history. There are a lot of historical monuments, cultural sights, objects of architecture . Our city is famous for its sights in all country, but there are also such objects of architecture which need restoration. Purposes of our project are:Restoration of old buildingsGardening of streets and areas

Our actions:To put capacities in which everyone will be able to offer money for restoration of sights of the city.To create a group of volunteers who will plant trees and flowers in our city. Our project will be financially viable, environmentally friendly and interesting for tourists beforeafter Thanks for attention!