It’s a wonderful world of English
Биік ғимараттар woods көпір орман бағдаршам ластану өзен Жер асты жолы ескерткіш таулар төбешік statue bridge Traffic light underground mountains tall building hills river pollution noisy coast field Car park theatre plane look work factory Swimming pool жағалау Көлік тұрағы жер завод ұшақ жұмыс қарау театр шулы бассейн 30 орта Call the possessive adjectives Which is smaller?
mouse a fox a wolf 2. Which can run faster? an elephant a bear a lion 3. Can a penguin fly ? yes no sometimes 4. What is it? purse paper hairbrush 5.What sports is it? Horse riding tennis football 6. Who is it? Cando Groom’s family Freddy 1. He doesn’t eat meat Vegetarian meat rain food rain 2. What is it? food fruits vegetable 9. What time is it ? It’s to ten It’s a quarter past ten It’s half past ten yes no sometimes giraffe lion zebra 12. Unusable the words. [ NETHCIK] “ The best” Good bye!
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