Презентация по политологии на тему Государство в политической системе общества
доц. Пробейголова Н. State as an Institution of Political System
The origin and essence of the state
Forms of government and state structure
The STATE is the main institution of political system that organizes, directs and controls different joint activities and relationships of individuals, social groups and classes. Patriarchal theory. (Sir Robert Filmer) According to this theory the state originated from the family, that had overgrew. Theocratic theory
(Thomas Aquinas*) The state arises as a result of the conquest and enslavement of the weak groups and communities by the stronger and more organized ones, in particular the submission of the agricultural tribes by bellicose nomadic tribes. Violence theory
(E. Duhring, L. Gumplowich) This theory is also named as the social contract theory. Contractual theory
(G. Grotsiy, J. Locc, G. Rousso) The state arises as a result of the split of the society into classes and the appearance of the private property The State is an organization that was formed to manage society by selected people The elements of the state: sovereignty
the special system of bodies and establishments that carry out the power
the law
the right The functions of the state Political function
Organizational-administrative function
Cultural and educational function. It contains the following components
Law enforcement function
Economic function
Social function
Ecological function
National integrity function
Demographic function THE LEGAL STATE is the state in which rights and individual freedoms, the principles of the mutual responsibility are not only proclaimed but also ensured and realized The social state is a state that can ensure to the citizens the desered conditions of life, labours, social defence and possibilities for self-realization. Point 2.
Forms of government and state structure Republic is the form of government under which the higher state authorities are elected by people for a definite term.
A presidential republic is characterized by the fact that a president combines the plenary powers of the head of the state and the head of government.
A parliamentary republic is characterized by the principle of supremacy of the parliament; the government is formed by the parliamentary majority. The mixed (semipresidential) republic is characterized by the double liability of the government: it is responsible to the president and to the parliament.
The unitary state is characterized by the concentration of the power in the central organs of government. The federal state is the state formed as the union of a few territorial units.
Confederation is another form of the state pattern. Confederation is a union of independent, sovereign states and is created on basis of the agreement with the purpose of common problems and tasks solution, pursuing a common policy in definite areas.