Презентация на английском языке Сотрудничество доу и семьи в музыкальном развитии детей старшего дошкольного возраста

The partnership of the kindergarten and the family in musical development Created Kamenskaya O. A. Research questions. The relation of parents to music. The competence of parents in the musical culture. The partnership of parents and kindergarten in the musical development of children. The musical environment at home. 28% 4 58% 3 22% 2 2% 1 child will pursue music music is necessary for the development of their child music is needed for the overall development don't want the child to be involved in music group number The results of the study. Factors of musical development Experiences of parents The child’sexperiences Musical home environment Conclusion: Most parents have a desire to make music with children.It is important to eliminate the contradiction between parents and teachers in the musical development of children.Сonsideration of socio-economic background of musical experience and family traditions. Thank you for your attention!