Презентация для открытого бинарного урока по английскому языку и правоведению на тему Сравнение политических систем Великобритании и Российской Федерации (1 курс на базе 9 класса/10 класс)

25.03.2015 Тема урока: «Comparing the political system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Russian Federation»«Сравнение политических систем Великобритании и России» Цель урока: Способствовать развитию эрудиции учащихся, способности анализировать, выделять главное, расширить лингвистический кругозор.План урока:Форма государственного правления и устройства России.Форма государственного правления и устройства Великобритании.Государственная символика РФ и Великобритании.Принцип разделения властей. Мотивация учебной деятельности и критерии оцениванияОценивание выступлений у доски соответствующими баллами («отлично»)Оценивание полученных знаний в письменной форме (тест) соответствующими баллами («удовлетворительно», «хорошо», «отлично»)Количество ответов с места соответствует уровню балла (чем больше ответов, тем выше балл)Поощрение оценкой «отлично» за умение использовать ИКТ по изучаемой теме. Актуализация опорных знаний:В каком государстве мы живем?Какой политический режим существует в России?Какие формы правления существуют в странах с демократическим режимом? The head of state is the president and is elected directly by the people every four years and cannot serve more than two terms. The President is commander in chief of the armed forces; he makes treaties, enforces laws, and appoints ministers. In fact he has much power. V.V. Putin Russia is a federation composed of equal subjects of the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation consists of republics, edges, regions, federal cities, autonomous regions, autonomous districts they are listed in Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 22 republics 9 edges 46 areas 3 federal city 1 autonomous region 4 autonomous districts The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy. This means that Great Britain is governed by the Parliament and the Queen is the Head of State. She has mostly representative functions. The national symbols of Russia The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has some well known symbols. They are the British flag, the coat of arms, Westminster Abbey and many others. The British flag The coat of arms BIG BEN TOWER BRIDGE DOUBLE-DECKER There are three branches of power in Great Britain and Russian Federation: StateГосударство Legislative Branch of power Законодательная ветвь власти Executive Branch of power Исполнительная ветвь власти Judicial Branch of power Судебная ветвь власти Russian FederationРоссийская Федерация Parliament consists of 2 chambers:upper house The Federation Councillower house The State Duma Двухпалатный парламент:Верхняя палата - Федеральное собраниеНижняя палата Государственная Дума The Government Cabinet of MinistersPrime MinisterПравительствоКабинет МинистровПремьер-министр The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation The Constitutional CourtOf the Russian FederationВерховный суд Российской ФедерацииКонституционный суд Рроссийской Федерации Great BritainВеликобритания Parliament consists of 2 chambers:upper house The House of Lords lower house The House of CommonДвухпалатный парламент:Верхняя палата - Палата ЛордовНижняя палата - Палата Общин The Government The Prime MinisterThe CabinetПравительствоПремьер-министрКабинет Министров CustomsTraditionsПравовые обычаиТрадиции The legislative power in RF is vested in the Federal Assembly. It consists of 2 chambers: It consists of the State Duma, which is the lower house, and the Council of Federation, which is the upper house. Both houses are located in Moscow The Council of Federation The State Duma The main parties in the RF. There are four main parties in the Russian Federation. The Communist Party LDPR United Russia The Fair RUSSIA The legislative branch of power in UK is exercised by the Houses of Parliament which consists of two chambers: the House of Lords the House of Commons The executive power in Russia belongs to the Government (Cabinet of Ministers)The president appoints it’s head - the Prime Minister. D.A. Medvedev - the Prime Minister. The executive power is exercised by Prime Minister and his Cabinet. The Government is usually formed by the political party which is supported by the majority in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister chooses ministers and forms Cabinet. There are two political parties in Great Britain: the Conservative and the Labor Party. David Cameron The judicial power The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation The Constitutional Court Of the Russian Federation The judicial branch of power determines common law and is independent of both the legislative and the executive branches. There is no written Constitution in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. True or false? 1.The Federal Government elects the members of the Federal Assembly in the RF. 2.The Duma approves the chairman of the Government. 3.The Government represents the legislative Brunch of power in GB. 4.There are three main parties in GB. 5.Parliament represents the legislative branch of power in GB. 6.The Queen rules the country in fact. 7.People elect the members of the House of Commons in GB. The Russian Federation The UK The political system The head of state Legislative Branch of power Executive Branch of power Judicial Branch of power Main political parties Домашнее задание: заполнить таблицу, выложенную на странице группы ПК-1 в контакте Спасибо за урок!