Презентация на тему Города-побратимы Ростова-на-Дону.

Диалог культур (социальное партнерство )Partnership of Rostov-on-Don Назыкова Вера Николаевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ лицея №20 г. Ростова-на-Дону IN FATHOMLESS SPACES OF DONSLIDE FILES OF CLOUDY SAILS…FROM CHILDHOOD, SIMILAR MOTHERBECAME VERY DEAR ROSTOV.ROSTOV IS NOT NAME NEITHER WORDIT IS OUR HEARTS AND THE OLD!TO ROSTOV FLY OFTEN THE PLANESTO ROSTOV HURRY ALSO TRAINSTHE HEART REMEMBERS FOREVERLIKE TRUSTY FACES OF FRIENDSTHE PROSPECTS OF PLENTIFUL RIVERSTHE SQUARES OF NEAR-BY LAKES.BE WORKING WHATEVER ME NOWTURN BACK TO MY DEAR ROSTOVTO ROSTOV FLY OFTEN THE PLAINSTO ROSTOV HURRY ALSO TRAINSFrom the song “Fly planes And hurry trains” (The author is V. ZHAK) В ДОНСКИХ НЕОБЪЯТНЫХ ПРОСТОРАХСКОЛЬЗЯТ ПАРУСА ОБЛАКОВ…НАМ С ДЕТСТВА, КАК РОДИНА, ДОРОГНАШ ЛАСКОВЫЙ ГОРОД РОСТОВ.РОСТОВ – НЕ НАЗВАНЬЕ, НЕ СЛОВО,ОН – НАШИ СЕРДЦА И ГОДА!..ЛЕТЯТ САМОЛЕТЫ К РОСТОВУК РОСТОВУ СПЕШАТ ПОЕЗДА.ЗАПОМНИЛИСЬ СЕРДЦУ НАВЕКИ, КАКДОБРЫЕ ЛИЦА ДРУЗЕЙ,ПРОСПЕКТОВ ПРОСТОРНЫЕРЕКИ,ОЗЕРА ЕГО ПЛОЩАДЕЙ.И ГДЕ БЫ ТЕПЕРЬ НЕ РАБОТАЛ – К РОСТОВУ ВЕРНЕШЬСЯ ВСЕГДА!К РОСТОВУ ЛЕТЯТ САМОЛЁТЫ,К РОСТОВУ СПЕШАТ ПОЕЗДА.Из песни «Летят самолеты, спешат поезда» (автор – В. Жак) Twin Cities of Rostov-on- Don Welcome to Rostov-on-Don Our Native City Glasgow Panorama over Glasgow's South Side and West End Glasgow, the twin town of Rostov-on-Don Glasgow is a large port. He is famous for its bridges. Glasgow is situated on the River Clyde Heavy industry produces coal and iron from the Clyde valley. Such lamps you can see everywhere in Glasgow. They were created by St. Mungo. There is a bird, a palm-tree, a fish and a bell in these lamps.Templton`s carpet factory was built at the end of the 19 century Glasgow is the heart of industry. Welcome to Glasgow Green ParkObelisk to Admiral Nelson. Monument to Robert Burns. Glasgow is a city of architecture and design. Glasgow Tolbooth SteeplePeople's Palace and Winter Gardens People's Palace and Winter Gardens Pleven Dortmund MobileFrom top: Pincus Building, Old City Hall and Southern Market, Fort Condé, Barton Academy, Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, and the skyline of downtown Mobile from the Mobile River.Knights of Revelry parade on Royal street in 2010Order of Inca night parade in 2009Murphy High School in MidtownShelby Hall, College of Engineering and the School of Computer and Information Sciences Entrance to the Mitchell Center at the University at South AlabamaThe Ben May Main Library on Government Street Mobile We are so different and we are all the same.Our home is Earth. Our nationality is Human.