Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему Zoo in Chelyabinsk
Zoo in Chelyabinsk Employers M.A.Khaevskiy and V.I.Tkachyov decided to organize zoo in Chelyabinsk for the first time in history in 1992.
It needed much money and they united with our mayor V.M.Tarasov. Many citizens of Chelyabinsk, public organizations,banks, workers of circuses , a trainer Valter Zapashnyi sent money for the Zoo. The place for the Zoo was chosen in the Central district on the territory of Gagarin’s Park. In 1995-1996 architect A.G.Burov worked out a project of our Zoo.
In 1996 Chelyabinskyi Zoo was opened! Now Zoo has 4 zones with the area of 30 ga. The first zone-7ga- is a traditional zoo. Bears Primates Big cats Small carnivores Domestic ungulates animals Singing birds of the Urals Birds of prey In the second zone there are culture-entertain mental, playable, economic parts of the Zoo. In the third part there are natural conditions for animals. Podvorie A tropical world Contact Zoo Aquarium Тerrarium Insectarium The fourth zone is the zone of rest. There are 114 kinds of animals in our Zoo. Unusual exponents:Mini pigs Beta and Kubick at theirwedding. A pink burro Slavic Kangaroo Benetta and her child Every year half a million people visit
our Zoo. Welcome to Chelyabinskyi Zoo!