Презентация по английскому языку Planning my time. The Past Continuous, 6 grade. Учебник: English, авторы: Аяпова Т., Абильдаева З..
Planning my time. The Past Continuous. For 6th grade
By Gussenova Z.V. Общие цели: Учащиеся усвоят лексику и грамматические структуры на основе употребления в речи временной формы The Past Continuous. Будут учиться составлять предложения в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной формах. Будут учиться давать краткие ответы на вопросы (Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t). Повторят спряжение глагола to be (was/were) , названия дней недели, количественные числительные, значение временного предлога at. Будут развивать навыки критического мышления, самооценивания и взаимооценивания, вести диалог по теме, умение работать в сотрудничестве. Ожидаемые результаты: Учащиеся будут знать правило образования The Past Continuous, будут уметь образовывать утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы The Past Continuous, научаться давать краткие ответы на вопросы, повысят словарный запас слов, отработают навыки произношения этих слов, приобретут навыки работы в индивидуальной, парной и групповой формах. Овладеют навыками взаимооценивания и самооценивания, работы в сотрудничестве. Good morning, children!Let’s begin our lesson. Разминка «Цыплята» T: Move and dance with me. Let’s divide into groups: 1st group “Active”2nd group “Positive”3rd group “Progressive” T: Read and discuss the rule of working in the groups. You should follow them at the lesson. CrosswordTask: Find the words in the crossword, circle them, and name the theme of our lesson. LKJHGPLANNINGBVCKJ
January 30th , 2014.
Planning my time.
The Past Continuous. Warm up. Work in groups Приём критического мышления «Круги по воде»CONTINUOUS Бортовой журнал I know Я знаю I knew Я узнал Vocabulary To write a letterTo play computer gamesTo have lunchTo have breakfast To rain To read a book To watch TVTo play tennisTo ride a bikeTo do one’s homework Time At 5 o’clock At 6 last SundayThe days of the weekNumerals – From 5 to 6 on Sunday.From 12 till 2 yesterday T: Complete the table with was/were. I _____ We ____
You _____ You ____
He _____ They ____
She ______
It ______ To be in the past I was We were
You were You were
He was They were
She was
It was Video «The Past Continuous»DialogueT: What were you doing at 2 o’clock yesterday?S: I was riding a bike. I was …….You were…..She was……We were ….. Practice Work in groupsTask for the 1st group: make general questions (interrogative) Example: -Was he reading a book at 5 o’clock? Ex.1, page 99Task for the 2nd group: make negative sentences. Example: He wasn’t reading a book at 5 o’clock?Ex.2, page 99Task for the 3rd group:Answer the questions, give the shorts answer.Example: -Was he reading a book at 5 o’clock? Yes, he was.Презентация работ.Учитель и дети оценивают устно словами. Комментируют ошибки. Work in pairs. Ex.5, page 100Example: -What were you doing at 10 o’clock yesterday? -I was doing my homework. Динамическая пауза Video “Dance again” Game “Change your place” -What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday? -I was playing computer games. Рефлексия Production Test1. He ____riding a bike TV at 6 o’clock yesterday.2. ______ she watching TV at 9 o’clock yesterday?3. No, she _____. 4. Colin ______ not playing tennis.5. I _____ writing a letter.6. Alima and Sultan _______having lunch. 7. _____you having breakfast? 8. Yes, I ______. Test1. He ____riding a bike TV at 6 o’clock yesterday.2. ______ she watching TV at 9 o’clock yesterday?3. No, she _____. 4. Colin ______ not playing tennis.5. I _____ writing a letter.6. Alima and Sultan _______having lunch. 7. _____you having breakfast? 8. Yes, I ______. Взаимооценивание Комментирование ошибок. Key to the test. Test1. He was riding a bike TV at 6 o’clock yesterday.2. Was she watching TV at 9 o’clock yesterday?3. No, she was. 4. Colin was not playing tennis.5. I was writing a letter.6. Alima and Sultan were having lunch. 7. Were you having breakfast? 8. Yes, I was. Шкала перевода баллов в оценки: 8 баллов – «5» 6- 8 баллов – «4» 5 баллов – «3» 1- 4 баллов – «2» Homework. Read the Grammar Reference on the page 182.Write a story about yourself “What were you doing yesterday?”, use The Past Continuous Tense. Рефлексия по проведённому уроку Учащиеся на бумаге изображают свою ладонь. И на каждом пальце пишут, что узнали на уроке? Понравился ли им урок? Do you like our lesson?