Презентация по английскому языку Американская кухня

Кировское областное государственное профессиональное образовательное автономное учреждение «Кировский технологический колледж пищевой промышленности»Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме «Американская кухня» подготовила преподаватель иностранного языка Суворова Марина Николаевна How do the Americans eat?Meals in the USA Mexican food is the favorite of many Americans They love spaghetti, pizza and others types of Italian food Chinese food has been popular with them for years BreakfastJuice, particularly orange oneOatmeal, cornflakes, eggs(fried or hard-boiled ) tea or coffee LunchFast food, pizza, potato chips, sandwiches, hot dogs, hot corn, sweet gas waterFruit and salad There are many fast-food restaurants all over the country DinnerSalad with different kinds of vegetables mixed with croutons and dressing Fried chicken, steaks, ribs, beef, fish ,baked fried and mashed potatoes The Americans have never eaten herring and seldom soup. But if they want any soup, they eat puree or cream soup. American people likeCoca-cola or different kinds of gas waterIce cream, cookies, cakes, candies They also use 8-10 glasses of water a day Health food becomes more popular, it doesn’t contain chemicals and preservatives