Презентация к уроку The house of my dream
The house of my dream …give a man a pipe he can smokeGive a man a book he can readAnd his home is brightWith a calm delightThough the room be poor indeed. (James Thomson) East or west home is best. (proverb) Stay, stay at home, my heart, And rest: Home-keeping heartsare happiest. (H.W.Longfellow) . Men make houses, women make homes What other English proverbs do you know?There’s no place like home.Every bird likes its own nest.He has no home whose home is everywhere.It’s good to be visiting, but it’s better at home. My home is my castle. House Household - домашнее хозяйство/ домочадцы (мука грубого помола) housemaid - горничная to house – предоставлять жилище, поселить/ приютитьHousing - снабжение жилищем, жилищное строительство housekeeper=housewife - домохозяйка, экономка/ домоправительницаhousing project – проект домаHouse-top (roof) - крыша дома house to house дом к дому house-dog – сторожевой песHouse father – глава семьи house holder - съемщик квартиры, глава семьи house painter - Houseful - полный дом house agent – комиссионер по продаже и сдаче внаём домов housemates - сожителиHouseboat - плавучий дом- лодка house warming – домашнее тепло house-fly – комнатная мухаHouse party – компания гостей, проводящая несколько дней в загородном доме house-boy - мальчик - слуга HomeHomesick- тоскующий по дому, по родинеHome-keeping - домоседливыйFeel at home – чувствовать как домаHomestead- усадьба, фермаHomeland= motherland – отечество, родинаMake oneself at home – располагаться как домаHometown (where a person lives or was born) – родной городHomebody – родное телоHome-felt –прочувствованный, сердечныйHomework – домашняя работаHomecoming –возвращение домойCome home – приходить домойHomeless - бездомныйHome from home – из дома в домHome made –домашнего приготовления, отечественного производстваHomelike, homely –домашний, уютный, простой обыденныйAt home - домаHome for the elderly – дом для престарелыхHomespun – домотканый, грубый простой I live in a block of flats. My brother lives on the ground floor, and I have a flat on the third floor. Unfortunately there is no lift, so I have to climb three flights of stairs to reach my flat. But I do have a balcony with a wonderful view of the park opposite the flats. The rooms on the ground floor are quite dark (≠ light) because they don’t get (≠ receive) very much sun. They are also quite noisy (≠ quite) because they are near the roads and the traffic. The other negative thing is that the rooms are draughty (= cold air comes into the room through the windows and under the doors because they don’t fit very well). This means it is expensive to heat the rooms (= to keep the rooms warm). Fortunately I have a very good central heating system. In other ways, it is also very nice: it’s in good condition (= in a good state/ doesn’t need to be repaired; ≠ in bad condition), and the rooms are huge/ enormous (= very, very big; ≠ tiny/ very, very small). What is your house look like? The house of my dream
A spacious
living room
Cosy, comfortable
A detached house
In ecological
clean area
A pantry
Three bedrooms
A garden in front
A utility room and a spare room
A big terrace
Own garage
French windows
A swimming