Презентация по английскому языку Lagans poets национально-региональный компонент на уроках английского языка
Lagan’s poets
Я - Лагань"1. Есть на земле тихий городТочку на карте найдуГород у синего моряРодиной милой зову.Гордо и нежно. красивоЮжная светится граньЕсть у великой РоссииДочь молодая - ЛаганьПрипев: Степи, степи, степиАлые маки в цвету.Море, море, море-Лотосы на берегу.Чайками взлетаютПесни в рассветную раньКак же тебя называют?Я - Лагань.2. Море, ты наше богатствоМы только гости твоиСоколы, кречеты - в братствеВ небе родной стороны.Сильные, вольные птицыМаленькой южной страны.Есть у великой РоссииЗдесь молодые сыны. ИВАН УБУШАЕВThere is a small quiet town I can find the spot on the map the town is near the sea I call it my motherlandIt is in the south of RussiaI’ m proud of its beautySteppes with scarlet poppiesThe sea is rich in lotusesSongs like seagulls penetrate through the sunsetMy town is called LaganThe sea is our wealthBut we are only guests here
Ivan Ubushevich Ubushaev is our local musician, translator, the author of several books, the member of Russia’s union of writers and composers. His name is known not only in our town. His name is written in the encyclopedia “The best people of Russia” among the other celebrities. He was awarded with a medal “The best people of Russia”
He began writing in childhood. His poems are devoted to the present days, to the deportation of Kalmyk people, to our Motherland. He writes on two languages Russian and KALMYK. The main motiff is his native place Lagan. He is the honorary citizen of our town. His poems are often published in our local newspaper “Lagan’s news”
He was born in Altai region, village Chistunka on 8th of February 1953. He finished secondary school in his native place Djalikovo.In 1972 he was a teacher at local musical school. He often meets with pupils and citizens of our town, recites his wonderful poems full of love to his native place, nature and people.
Ivan Ubushaev has a friend Rasul Magomedov who is also a famous poet in our town. He published two books “Allah’s tears” and “ Grains of wisdom”. His song “My sunny town” is devoted to Lagan. In 2009 he became a member of the Union of writers. His first book was published in Elista . It is called “With love I come into your hearts”
He began writing on his native language, then he also wrote on Russian. His favourite poet was Omar Hiyam. His poems are wise and grip from the first line. He is a vet . When he moved to Lagan in 1975 he opened a wrestling club and became a coach. He was a champion on one of Russia’s wrestling competitions. He was the director of town’s vetlaboratory. He is a very optimistic person.