Презентация к уроку по английскому языку Структура написания электронного письма (УМК М.Вербицкая Forward-8)

Подготовила: Опиева О.В., учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №3 им. Сергиенко Н.Г.»Email writing format Watch the video FORMALWE USUALLY SEND FORMAL EMAILS TO PEOPLE WE DON’T KNOW OR INSTITUTIONSINFORMALWE USUALLY SEND SUCH LETTERS TO FRIENDS AND CLOSE FAMILY OR PEOPLE WE KNOW VERY WELL2 TYPES OF EMAILS EX.2 P.21To: info@archecamp.orgceline@menfin.frA good idea!I’m sixteen-year-old student from London. I’m interestedIn the camp you are organising this summer in Dorset and I hope you can answer some questions.Are there still places avalible on the camp? How many hours do You have to work each day? Also, could you tell me when it startsand finishes?I hope to hear from you soon.Regards,GinaHughsgina@maolbox.ukTo: celin.menfin.frA good idea!Hi Celine,How are you? I’m really exited because I’m goingon that archaeological camp in a few weeks. It’s goingto be fantastic – there are going to be people from allover the world there and accommodation is free.Why don’t you come with me? Are you going to be freeAt the beginning of July? There are still a few places left,I think.Email me and tell me what you think.Lots of love,Gina XXX12 ex.6 p.21To: info@archecamp.com celine@menfin.frHELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!Hi guys,I’m Celine. I’m a fun loving fifteen year-old student from Nice.My friend Gina (she’s British and she’s really cool) says you’re doing a camp in Dorset. I want to go too. Are there any places left? How much money doI need???I hope to hear from you soon.CU!!!!Celine X : - D Be healthy!

Writing skillsWrite the email address.Write the subject of the message.Start your letter with expression Dear ___.Explain why you write. Start with I’m writing to you/ I’m a student…Find out what you are interested in (ask guestions).Write that you expect answer (you can use polite expressions such us I hope to hear from you/ I’m looking forward to …)End the email with expressions Best wishes/Kind regards/Best regards.8. Write your name on the next line and don’t use a full stop after it.9. Start a new paragraph for a each new topic. 10. Use a formal style. HomeworkEmail to your classmate. Tell your classmate about your trip to Brighton(School of English) and the reason of learning English.2. Write him/her about school (how much it costs, how many students there are in the group, if it can help with accommodation).3. Ask your classmate if he/she would like to go with you and what he/she thinks about this idea.4. Text that you expect her/his answer. Thank you for your attention!