Презентация по английскому языку на тему How to look great (8 класс)

Выполнила: учитель английского языка Пименова Р.А.МКОУ Бобровская СОШ № 3 Образовательная: обобщить и систематизировать знания и умения учащихся по теме “Здоровье“,знакомить учащихся с различными пословицами и поговорками о еде, сравнить их с русскими эквивалентами; знакомить с мифами и научными фактами о здоровье;Воспитательная: учить учащихся бережно относиться к своему здоровью, правильно питаться, отказаться от вредных привычек;Развивающая: развивать воображение, фантазию, творческое мышление; развивать речевые способности, способность логически излагать, развивать умения сравнивать, анализировать, воображать; выставка творческих работ учащихся “Sandwich”, “ Food Diary”,мультимедийный проекторраздаточный материал (карточки)учебник Happy English — 8 (В.П.Кузовлев) 1) Did you eat any fruit and vegetables yesterday (including potatoes)? 2) How many times a week do you have a fried meal (e.g. eggs and bacon or fish and chips)? 3) What have you had for breakfast today? 4) What do you like to eat? 5) What is your favorite food? 6) Do you prefer Russian or English cuisine? Why? a. Russian salad; it is a mixture of vegetables, boiled and chopped; b. Soup with pickled cucumbers; c. Russian dumplings-cases of dough filled with meat or berries; d. Thin fruit jelly made from fruit or berry juice and potato flour; e. Soup with kvas, hard-boiled eggs, radishes, chopped spring onions, cucumbers and dill, boiled meat; everything is chopped. It is cold. f. Cabbage soup with fresh or sauerkraut cabbage; g. Cereal pudding. It is made of oats, rice, manna groats, buckwheat, millet; 2.Match the names with their description: 1) The appetite comes with eating.2) They don’t carry samovars to Tula town.3) Every vegetable has its season.4) A spoon is dear when lunch time is near.5) A hungry man is an angry man.6) Porridge and cabbage soup is but our native food.7) Too much butter won’t spoil the porridge.8) Tastes differ.9) You say you are a mushroom, so- into the basket you go!10) Hunger breaks stone walls. 1) For the first team: write as many words (food- products, plants) as you can that are useful for our health (e.g. fruit, vegetables, fish, meat, poultry, nuts). 2) For the second team: write as many words as you can that are harmful or unhealthy for us (e.g. chocolate, sugar, coffee, sweets, butter, etc.). Fruit Vegetables Nuts Fish Meat Poultry Apple, beet, banana, pea, cashew, green pepper, peach, lettuce, bean, potato, pecan, pear, strawberry, peanut, onion, plum, walnut, carrot, orange, tomato, celery, lemon, coconut, pineapple, cherry, squash, beef, sardine, turkey, pork, duck, sole, mutton, veal, chicken, herring, cod, lamb, goose, trout, venison, salmon, bacon, carp, ham, hen, tuna. Fruit Vegetables Nuts Fish Meat Poultry apple, lemon beet, carrot cashew sardine beef turkey banana, coconut pea, tomato pecan sole venison, ham duck peach, pear green pepper peanut herring pork chicken pineapple lettuce, celery walnut cod bacon goose strawberry bean, squash trout mutton carp plum, cherry potato salmon veal hen orange onion tuna lamb Apple, beet, banana, pea, cashew, green pepper, peach, lettuce, bean, potato, pecan, pear, strawberry, peanut, onion, plum, walnut, carrot, orange, tomato, celery, lemon, coconut, pineapple, cherry, squash, beef, sardine, turkey, pork, duck, sole, mutton, veal, chicken, herring, cod, lamb, goose, trout, venison, salmon, bacon, carp, ham, hen, tuna. 1) how to cook Russian dinner; 2) how to make your favourite cake or pudding; 3) how to use some beauty products; 4) how to cook a traditional family dish. Inaktivity, faibre, ingridient, eyesigt, diseas. calori harespray, vetamine, obesity,