Презентация по английскому языку на тему Экологические проблемы мира и Ростовской области.
Открытый урок в 7Б классеЭкологические проблемы мира и Ростовской областиУчитель Айдинова А.Ж.
1.Для меня задача этого урока, выявить в какой мере ученики овладели разговорными клише, умением использовать лексико-грамматический материалдля оформления диалогической и монологической речи.Задача перед учениками - овладеть лексикой данной темы - выбрать одну из изучаемых глобальных экологических проблем - определить экологические проблемы городаУрок проводиться в виде пресс-конференции, на котором учащиеся обсуждают не только глобальные проблемы экологии, но и экологические проблемы города.
Задачи урока1.контроль устной речи по теме развитие умений устной речи (монологической и диалогической)2.развитие памяти умения обобщать и делать выводы3.формирование экологической грамотности чувства любви к природе и ответственности за её сохранение.
К уроку были подготовлены стенгазета таблички с подписями Mass Media Wildlife Specialists доклады учащихся, презентация докладов. Для начала разминка диалоги презентация докладов. с использованием речевых клише. Разминка заканчивается, начинается основная часть урока, где ученики выступают с подготовленными заранее сообщениями и отвечают на вопросы одноклассников.Каждому специалисту журналисты задают по 1 или 2 вопроса. В конце урока ученикам предлагается ответить на несколько основных вопросаCan we help to save the Planet? What should we do to help the Planet?Использовались структуры We should +V1 We shouldn’t +v1Такие уроки помогают учащимся не только овладеть очередными знаниями, но и учат бережному отношению к природе.
Eco problemsHow do YouTreat the Earth?Can you help to save the planet?
Ecological problems of Rostov-on-Don
This picture we can see every day in our streets
There are a lot of factories and plants in Rostov-on-Don. They throw a lot of chemicals and dirt into the air. They poison water in our lovely river. Fish can't live in it. Both clean air and clean water are necessary for our health. Our factories, plants, cars and buses need good filters. When will they have them?Besides, I'm very concerned that new roads destroy the countryside. I think people should find right balance between our natural environment, industry and building of new roads.
The ecological situation in our townуровень загрязнения окружающей среды и комфортность проживанияМасса пыли кг/км2 в суткиZc Тм в атмосферной пылиZc Tм в почве Уровень загрязнения грунтовых вод, мШумовая нагрузка днем, децибелыСумма баловНезначительные загрязнения (относительно комфортные условия)Менее 200 2-16Менее 2 Глубже 5 61-65 1-5Слабое загрязнение (удовлетворительные условия проживания)200-800 17-64 2-8 3-5 66-70 6-25Средний уровень загрязнения (дискомфортные условия)800-1600 65-128 9-16 2-3 71-7526-125Сильные загрязнения (опасные для здоровья условия проживания)1600-3200129-256 17-64 1-2 76-80 126-625Очень сильные загрязнения (чрезвычайно опасные для здоровья условия)Более 3200Более 256 65-128Менее 1Более 80 Более 625
Yellowstone National Parkstyle.fontStylestyle.fontWeightstyle.textDecorationUnderline
I recently visited Yellowstone National Park in the USA. It's the oldest and most famous park. It includes large areas of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. This territory is for animals, birds, fish and tourists. There animals are not killed but protected from danger.Then I visited San Diego Zoo. There are over 4 thousand rare animals and birds on 100 acres of fields and gardens. We had a day of fun and saw interesting and unusual animals such as gorillas, okapis and polar bears.We also visited Shamu. It is a sea world park in California. We were told about sea animals and fish and their protection. In Shamu there are a lot of educational programmes to enjoy and discover the way to protect aquatic life. We learnt a lot about it. Here you can see some leaflets. They are colorful and printed on recycled paper.
Air PollutionI live in London. There are so many cars in the streets of the city that pollution is awful. Air is made dirty and I really think our health is affected. I think it would be a good idea to have a 'no car' day. Everybody would have to use other forms of transport — like buses, trains, bikes, or even just your feet — for one day. There wouldn't be so much pollution and the roads would be much safer. We are only part of the environment. That's why we should understand what the important problems are and how we can help.
The greenhouse effectImportant environmental problem in the atmosphere is the greenhouse effect. Some gases in atmosphere works like glass in a greenhouse. They are known as "greenhouse gases". They let heat in, but they don't let much heat out. So the atmosphere becomes warmer. The greenhouse effect is very important; if it did not occur at all, the temperature of the planet would be 40 degrees lower and the oceans would freeze. But an increase in the greenhouse effect (caused by an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere) may lead to global warming.style.fontFamily
DeforestationPeople are cutting down the rainforests. And they control the world's weather. They act as the lungs of our planet. Deforestation destroys the Earth. Our oceans and seas are polluted. The reason is Man that put chemicals and litter into them.
National Parks of RussiaThere are 23 national parks in Russia. Valday and Losiny Ostrov. One of the most famous, Valday is situated in Novogorodskay region. It was founded on the 17th of May, 1990. A lot of different wild animals are there. Bears, wolves, foxes and otters live there. There are also two beautiful lakes: the Valday and the Seliger.Another national park, Losiny Ostrov is situated to the northeast of Moscow. It was founded in 1983. It is a home for 48 kinds of animals: deer, foxes; 200 kinds of birds.There are 84 nature reserves. The first one is Barguzinsky. It was founded on the 29 of December 1916. Lake Baikal is situated there. There is Sable there. It covers 2480 square km.
Water PollutionI am worried that soon we will suffer from the lack of pure water. Many factories and plants pollute water. Water pollution leads to the impoverishment of water resources. when the litter is thrown the water pollution is caused. We must be a friend to fish and not to throw damage into their homes. We must reduce using water. It helps to save water resources. I think it is necessary to change our attitude to this problem. It will help us.
The time of decay of man`s vital functions products.1. Sheets of paper 2-4 weeks.2. Cotton goods 1,5 months.3. Woolen goods 1 year.4. Wooden goods 14 years.5. Cans 100 years. 6. Aluminium cans 200- 500 years.7. Plastic Bottles 400 years.8. Products from Glasses It is unknown r
Be kind to Nature Nature is Your Home !
121234567891011■ ■■TestsI. Word PuzzleDown12. The word_____ means simply what is aroundus. (11 letters)Across1. Don't____.wildlife. (7 letters)2. They are asked to____trees. (5 letters)3. The tropical rainforests ______ about ninemillion square kilometers. (5 letters)4. Don't leave____. (6 letters)5. Don't_____garbage in water. (5 letters)6. Don't _______ gardens — don't break trees.(5 letters)7. An increase in the____ effect may lead toglobal warming. (10 letters)8. Building motor roads can____countryside.(6 letters)9. Greenpeace help to____nature. (7 letters)10. Don't -' - rare animals. (4 letters)11. Most of the_in big cities comes fromcars and buses. (9 letters)