Презентация к уроку на тему Нью-Йорк в 9 классе.

New York
The names of places

The names of attractionsThe Empire State BuildingCentral ParkThe Rockefeller CenterThe Guggenheim Museum

The name of the riverThe Hudson River
«достопримечательность» a sight an attraction a place of interest

Watch the video The first colonists came to New York in178616241627style.colorfillcolorstroke.colorfill.type New York is calledSmall StateLarge IslandBig Applestyle.colorfillcolorstroke.colorfill.type The tallest building in the world isThe Empire State BuildingThe Washington MonumentThe Sears Towerstyle.colorfillcolorstroke.colorfill.type What is called “a city within a city”?Central ParkThe Rockefeller CenterThe Guggenheim Museumstyle.colorfillcolorstroke.colorfill.type The most visited attraction in New York isThe Statue of LibertyBroadwayTimes Squarestyle.colorfillcolorstroke.colorfill.type Complete the text