Презентация к уроку по теме «Family Relationships»
Look at the words. Note those of them which have pairs. aunt boy daughter uncle
child grandma girlfriend grandpa
wife girl husband man
niece parent grandmother nephew
mother son daughter woman
sister uncle boyfriend brother Who are they? A son of one’s brother or sister ... A daughter of one’s brother or sister…Children born at the same time by the same mother …A son’s wife …A daughter’s husband …Parents of one’s mother …grandparents, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, twins, niece, nephew Guess the riddles: It is your parents’ child. It is neither your brother nor your sister. Who is it?Once upon a time there sat two Indians, a little Indian and a big Indian. The little Indian was the son of the big Indian, but the big Indian wasn’t his father. Explain it.Two people are walking along the street. One says, “This is my father’s house. But I am not his son. Who speaks? Does the boy help his relatives? I Help… I like to help my Mother, To clean the room with Father , To sweep the floor with Brother. It’s not much work but rather. To iron helps me Sister. I train with Aunt tongue-twister. It’s very hard to be polite And always say Grandma good night. All doing that I get great pleasure, But there’s no time to have some leisure. Do you help your mother? To do the ironing To cook
To go shopping
To clean the house
To sweep the floor
Family like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, but our roots keep us all together. Your home task is:
Ex. 9 p.124
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