викторина по английскому языку May Day
to blossom — цвести; распускаться; расцветатьпраздновать –to celebrate festival of Flora — фестиваль богини Флоры
goddess богиня vegetation spirit дух растенийfortune рок, судьба; предзнаменованиеthe Middle Ages Средние века
dew роса bow лук arrow стрела sunset закат, заход солнца
maypole майское дерево (украшенный цветами столб, вокруг которого танцуют 1 Мая в Англии)felled treesсрубленное дерево to strip сдирать, обдирать; снимать верхний слой
to adorn украшать;garlands гирлянды; ribbons ленты; pagan языческий fertility плодородие
When is May Day celebrated?May Day is celebrated on the first Monday of May
What do people celebrate on this day?People celebrate the coming of summer
Where does May Day take its origins?May Day takes its origins in the Roman festival of Flora.May Day celebrations have their origins in the Roman festival of Flora.
How do people organize this festival?People decorated their houses and villages with fresh-cut flowers.Young girls went (go) into the fields and washed (wash) their faces with dew.Young men tried (try) to win prizes with their bows and arrows.People dance around the maypole.
What is the maypole?The original maypoles were (is) freshly felled trees, stripped of their branches, brought into the community and adorned with garlands and ribbons.