Презентация по английскому языку на тему Environmental problems. Modal verbs.

The limerick Two serious gent in the middle of night Were having debates on the property right They hardly escaped the boot, which I threw. I`m sure my actions were fair & true, As thus I prevented the fight. Modal verbs Can May Should Must Conflicts … lead to bad relations.We … hear what the other person is saying.We … prevent conflicts.We…have respect for other people.Political parties…resolve conflicts by peaceful means.States…prevent war if they decide to resolve conflicts peacefully.You…have better relations with people if you resolve a conflict peacefully.You…learn about conflict resolution if U read books about conflict.U … have more friends if U learn to resolve conflicts peacefully. Environmental problems Rescue endangered animals Throw something away Chemical waste Traffic jams Water/ air/ land pollution Lack of recycling Выбрасывать что – либоСпасение вымирающих животных Отсутствие вторичной обработки Загрязнение воды, воздуха, земли Автомобильные пробкиХимические отходы Recycle waste glass / metal / paper Don`t drop litter Walk or cycle instead of driving cars Bring cans, bottles, etc to the local recycling centre Only buy things U really need Avoid buying packaged goods Give up smoking Ходить пешком или ездить на велосипеде вместо езды на машинеВторичная переработка стекла, металла, бумагиНе выбрасывать мусорПриносить консервн. банки, бутылки и др. в местные центры переработки вторичного сырьяПокупать только необходимые вещиНе выбрасывать мусорБросьте куритьИзбегать покупки упакованных товаров Discuss what environmental problems can result from conflicts between people and the Earth. What should people do to prevent these conflicts? Share your opinion with other groups. PLANT KINDNESS & LOVE WILL GROW. It`s easier to leave angry words unspoken than to mend a heart those words have broken. Begin each day with friendly thoughts, And as the day goes on, Keep friendly, loving, good, and kind Just as U were at dawn. (Frank B. Whitney) Be kind; everyone U meet is fighting a hard battle. (Thomas Jefferson ) We can do no great things, only small things with great love. (Mother Teresa) Make up a story to illustrate one of the above quotations. When someone does something good, applaud ! You will make two people happy. (Samuel Goldwyn) When angry, count to ten before you speak; When very angry, count to a hundred. mean Mean (meant)Значить,Иметьв виду MeansМетоды,способы By all meansконечно 1.English is a means of international communication.2.What does the word “prevent” mean? It means to stop smth from happening or to stop doing smth.3.What does the author mean when he says, “Conflict is a natural thing in life?”4.-Can I use Ur dictionary? -By all means.5.That sign meant nothing to me.6.I never meant that U should come alone. U could have taken anyone with you. Do it yourself WB p. 48 ex.16 HomeworkOn Friday – SB p.117 ex.50Приготовить презентацию, разделить вопросы между собой самостоятельно.